Winter Hair Care



Winters have arrived. Here are some Winter hair care tips one can make use of in this season

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•Hair care for Winters

Gurpreet kaur

Winter is here! The harsh cold winter can be very

damaging to your hair. This season is the most

rigorous, and it is your hair’s number one

enemy. Think hat hair, static hair, split ends, brittle

strands of hair, and dry frizz. Yikes!

3 Common Winter Hair Problems

1. Hair & Scalp Dryness

2. Flat Fly Away Hair & Static Electricity

3. Split Ends

There is less moisture in the air during the winter months. Dry heat, and wearing hats

and scarves tends to make the problem worse and dries out your hair, skin and scalp.

Shampooing your hair to often can add to the problem.

It’s important to mist your hair with a water based leave in conditioner daily to re-

hydrate your hair and scalp

Hair and Scalp Dryness

How to get rid of Hair and Scalp Dryness

Make a deep treatment with eggs. Deep treatments are like conditioners on steroids:

• They help provide a ton of moisture, vibrancy, and body to dry hair.•Eggs are high in protein, which is what hair is made out of, so it's only natural that eggs wouldbe an excellent source for deep treatments.•In a bowl, mix two eggs yolks, two teaspoons olive oil, and 1/8 cup of water. Mix until solutionis fully balanced.

•Depending on how much hair you have, you may want to use more or less.•Apply mixture to hair after shampooing, while hair is still damp, not wet. Let stand for 15minutes.•Rinse with warm water. (Hot water may give you scrambled eggs!)

Make a deep treatment with mayonnaise.

•Mayonnaise is made essentially out of eggs and oil, so it's a riff on the deep treatment featured in Step 1. •What sets mayonnaise apart is that it contains vinegar. Vinegar will help disinfect any fungus or bacteria that might be using your scalp as a temporary home, causing itching and dryness

•Apply 1/2 cup of mayonnaise to already dry hair. Massage into roots and scalp area and cover with a shower cap or other plastic cover.•Let stand for 15 minutes.•Rinse thoroughly in warm water before shampooing as usual.

How to get rid of Hair and Scalp Dryness

Flat Fly Away Hair & Static Electricity

•Flat fly away hair and static electricity happens as a result of a lack of


•Natural Hold Spray Gel is a water based spray with great hold.

•It’s great for root lift and reducing frizz throughout the day as well as

fixing ‘hat hair’ and refreshing your style.

•It’s also important to seal in the moisture that you add to your hair with

Hair Nourishing Serum or a small amount of Nourish & Shine.

How to get rid of Flat Fly Away Hair & Static Electricity

Use a moisturizing conditioner

Even the most basic conditioner can hydrate your hair, which

prevents it from getting too dry and inviting excess static.

Only shampoo every other day.

Keeping your hair clean is important for general hair care, but keeping your hair too

clean can cause it to become overly dry, thereby making the static worse.

How to get rid of Flat Fly Away Hair & Static Electricity

Apply a hair serum.

Hair serum coats your hair with a protective layer that prevents the excessive loss of moisture. Less moisture loss means less static.

Consider using a conditioning spray.

If your hair is of medium density or a wavy texture, a rich conditioning spray containing silicone or other moisturizing

Split ends •There is not really any way to fix split ends. •In the beauty industry, split hair or split ends is known as trichoptilosis. There are wide range of reasons why split ends occur.

Some causes include:1- Excessive use of hot styling tools (irons, hot curlers, blow dryers, hot combs).2- Overuse of chemical treatments (relaxers, perms, hair colour).3- Excessive use of styling products such as gels, waxes and sprays or any with alcohol.4- Environmental damage from heat, cold, wind and other climate issues.5- Lack of routine maintenance such as regular trimming. Use the Split-Ender for that!6- Improper detangling techniques.7- Over washing.8- Use of inferior hair care products.9- Use of inferior styling to oils that rip or snag hair (cheap synthetic brushes or combs, brush rollers, etc.,).10- Shower hard water, ocean salt water, pools & spas chlorine, UV rays.

Get your hair cut regularly, meaning every six to eight weeks.All hair gets damaged after a while. Get a trim of at least 1⁄4 to 1 inch (0.6 to 2.5 cm), and you should have solved the problem. It will remove split ends and keep your hair healthy and growing strong.

Don't rely on products that claim to "heal" split ends.

They can seal the split end to help it look healthier, but they aren't reversing the damage. These products can however help prevent future damage to otherwise healthy hair.

How to get rid of Split ends

Brushing and Combing

Many people don't realize just how fragile the ends of our hairs are. Being too rough with a brush or comb, or brushing or combing too often can damage your hair.

Stop teasing or back combing your hair.

This is the most damaging type of brushing. It pulls up the scales of your hair and when you comb/brush that section again the scales break off.

Find a hair friendly comb and/or brush.

If you have thicker hair you may need to use a pick or wide-toothed comb. Combs in general are more gentle than your common brush. Your brush or comb should aid you in untangling your hair, not pulling it out.


Cold winter air can create havoc for your poor

skin and hair. One should take care of all the

aspects during this season. Winter can damage

your hair badly.