Timgroup skills for Silver economy



Workshop Health & ICT : Timgroup skills presentation #RegionLimousin #Elopsys #Autonomlab #SilverSudoe — Coimbra, Portugal.

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Designing for elderly!Workshop Health & ICT !Coimbra, Portugal.




Mobile app

Serious games for kids and for elderly

Mobile Application Development with Augmented Reality

Website and mobile app development for

Designing for seniors ?

How to connect the elderly to make them healthier ?


Quantified Self

Facilitating data entry

Avoid this scary or what takes time

Avoid what takes time

No fear of the technology

Just allowing awareness

For developper a Bots App Store soon ?

It’s not science fiction, it’s now

Selfie vs LifelogingLifelogging is the practice of record and store information from our daily lives to share them with others on social networks. The main media used by lifeloggers are photo, video and text.

Always Connected ?

“The Apple Watch is just the start. How Wearable tech will change your life - like it or not ” !

TIME - Sept 2014

Designing together the needs of tomorrow

Partenaires et références

info@timgroup.fr | www.timgroup.fr!
