Online Group 75 - Group 5 Wiki - Pet Care


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Pet Care

Online Group 75 – Group 5 Wiki

Popular pets

Dogs Cats Birds Rabbits



DOGS: housing

o Dogs need a place where they can feel safe and secure, like a den in the wild.4

o If your dog sleeps outside the yard must be escape-proof, have a sheltered area and provide a warm, dry kennel to sleep in. 4

DOGS: nutrition

o Dogs must be fed high quality premium commercial food that is appropriate for the life stage and health status of the dog (check with your Vet). 4

o You can feed your dog natural food occasionally such as fresh raw meat, raw meaty bones as well as vegetables. 4

o Always consult your Vet before trying your dog on a home cooked alternative. 4

DOGS: grooming

o Dogs need to be bathed regularly using shampoo made specifically for dogs. 4

o Depending on your dog’s coat and breed it may require more grooming than others. 4

o Professional dog groomers can assist with clipping and grooming difficult dogs.

DOGS: training

o It is important to train and socialise your dog between the ages of 3-17 weeks as that is their ‘critical socialisation period’. 4

o Training provides mental stimulation, exercise and keeps your dog happy. 4

o Reward good behaviour with a pat on the head, a food treat or a pleasant tone and ignore ‘unwanted’ behaviour. 4

o Puppy preschool and training classes are available for dogs. Check with your local council for dates and locations.

DOGS: health

o Dogs require annual Vet check-ups for general health and to keep their vaccinations up to date. 4

o It is important to treat your dog at home regularly for fleas and worms. 4



CATS: housing

o A number of animal organisations recommend keeping your cat indoors to prevent it from entering unfriendly territories, encountering risks, being exposed to cruelty, sustaining injuries from fighting or car accidents, or catching diseases from other cats. 4

o Indoor cats require plenty of toys to keep them amused, places to hide, plenty of play time with its owner, scratching posts and a nice sunny place inside to sit. 4

o Cats require access to a litter tray which will need to be cleaned regularly. 4

CATS: nutrition

o Cats need a source of animal protein to survive, so feed your cat a high quality premium commercial food that is appropriate for the life stage and health status of the cat which includes fresh raw meat and raw meaty bones. 4

o Cats prefer to graze throughout the day so ensure there is always a food source available. 4

o Ensure there is always an adequate supply of fresh, clean water for your cat. 4

o Kittens require a special diet fed a certain amount of times per day, consult with your Vet for further information. 4

CATS: grooming

o Although cats spend a lot of time grooming themselves, regular brushing is essential for long haired breeds year round to keep their fur from becoming matted and to minimise moulting. 4

o Cats require a scratching post to keep their nails short and sharp. 4

CATS: training

o Cats need to be litter trained from a young age to keep them from urinating in the wrong places. 2

o Cats can also be trained to respond to a number of commands and like most animals respond best to reward based training in the form of treats, affection or playing with a favourite toy. 2

CATS: health

o Cats require annual Vet check-ups for vaccinations, boosters and general health checks. 4

o It is important to treat your cat at home regularly for fleas and worms. 4



BIRDS: housing

o Birds need to have space to exercise and express their normal behaviours so those permanently kept in cages should have access to a flight aviary or be able to fly around in a safe environment such as indoors. 4

o Cages, including food and water containers, should be cleaned thoroughly on a weekly basis. 4

BIRDS: nutrition

o Birds eat a varied diet in the wild so it is important to provide a combination of both a high quality commercial food suitable for the species and some natural foods such as fresh fruit, vegetables, seeding grasses, native flowers, and green foods. 4

o Ensure that fresh water is always available and placed as high as possible to prevent the water getting dirty. 4

BIRDS: grooming

o Birds spend a large amount of time preening their feathers, however they will still benefit from bathing and this can be done by spraying water over the bird, an activity they thoroughly enjoy. 1

o Nails, wings and beaks can occasionally need trimming which should be done by your Vet only. 4

BIRDS: training

o Birds can be toilet trained or taught to follow commands like other pets, however they can also be trained to talk which makes them interesting pets to own. 1

o Birds respond best to reward based training in the form of treats. 1

o Birds learn to speak words by repetition.

BIRDS: health

o Birds can appear healthy despite being quite ill, so be sure to keep a look out for these signs which may indicate illness:o Changes to droppings.

o Amount of food or water consumed.

o Behaviour (eg ability to fly).

o Appearance or posture (eg sleepy or fluffed-up).

o Bodyweight.

o Rate and depth of respiration. 4



RABBITS: housing

o An appropriate form of housing for rabbits is a hutch which can be bought from most pet stores or even made at home. 4

o Rabbits still require regular exercise and should be allowed outside of the hutch for 2-3 hours per day as well as given access to natural sunlight. 4

o The hutch should be large enough that they can exhibit normal behaviour, while keeping them safe from predators. 4

o Outdoor hutches need to be rainproof, mosquito proof and avoid extreme heat. 4

o A ‘burrow’ area where the rabbit can run and hide is highly recommended. 4

RABBITS: nutrition

o Rabbit teeth grow constantly and are worn down by the chewing of grass in the wild, therefore it is important to provide your rabbit with good quality grass or hay to chew on. 4

o Rabbits should also be fed 2 cups of leafy greens per day. 4

o Pellets should only be given to rabbits in small sizes and shouldn’t substitute their entire diet. 4

o Always have fresh water available, preferably from an upright drink bottle so that the water stays clean. 4

RABBITS: grooming

o Rabbits are very susceptible to heat stroke in hot weather therefore longer haired rabbits may need to have their coats groomed. 4

o Rabbit nails may need occasional clipping which should be done by your Vet only. 4

RABBITS: training

o Rabbits are very intelligent animals and can be trained easily with incentive (food). 3

o Reward your rabbit immediately after it performs the action you want it to. 3

o Rabbits can be trained to come when you call them, spin, stand up, play dead and much more. 3

RABBITS: health

o Rabbits need regular health checks and need vaccinations for the Calici Virus kept up to date. 4

o It is important to treat your rabbit at home regularly for fleas and worms. 4

o Rabbits also need to have their teeth checked regularly by your Vet. 4


1. Petco, Bird Grooming, 2014, viewed 15 May 2014 <>

2. Purina, Tips and Advice for Training your Cat, 2014, viewed 10 May 2014 <>

3. Rabbit Haven, Training your bunny to do tricks, 2012, viewed 15 May <>

4. RSPCA NSW, Learn, 2013, viewed 10 May 2014 <>
