Improvement of Maternal Health through Media’s Innovative Tools -- Women’s Media Centre of...


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Family’s Health Program Improvement of Maternal Health through

Media’s Innovative Tools

Funded by

Women’s Media Centre of Cambodia (WMC)Making Gender Equality Possible in Cambodia

Presented By Mr. Tep Bunthan, Program Manager, WMC

Relevance of the Project

• 62% out of 1,900 interviewees from 8 municipality and provinces reported they own a telephone and at least 2% out of them own smart phone (Indochina, 2013).

• 100% of people own telephone have used it for daily communication via calling, and 28% of they use the phone for both calling and sending SMS, referring the report.

Relevance of the Project (Cont.)

• 66% of interviewees own a TV, and 17% access to TV at least 2 hours a day. People in the urban areas look like to access TV more than population in the rural area, 53% of them access TV.

• 50% of people in urban and 50% in rural areas own a radio. 40% out of them (urban) and at least 3.2 M people (rural) access to radio on daily basis.

Project Funded by SPIDER (2013-2014)

Project Funded by SPIDER (2013-2014)

Interactive Voice Response System (IVR)

Interactive Voice Response System (IVR)

Massage development

processSet up

telephone line numbers Launched IVR


Identify sex, place and range of age

Main menu#1 – ANC#2 – Pregnancy care#3 – Postnatal care#4 – contraceptive use and family planning * – Repeat and 0 – Exit



038 8 102 102

Verboice’s flowWelcome Massage 1

Register Message 2 Female Press # 1

Male Press # 2

Register Message 3 Live in Phnom Penh Press # 1

Live in Province Press # 2

Register Message 4 age between 18y-25y Press # 1

age between 30y-40y Press # 2

age 40y or up Press # 3

(Main Manu)

Antenatal Care Press # 1

Safe child delivery /Pregnancy Care closed to delivery day Press # 2

Postnatal Care Press # 3

Family Planning and Birth spacing / Contraception Press # 4

Listen to Main Manu again Press # 0

If you want to leave Press # *

Sub-menu 1: Antenatal care Message is finished

If you suspect of being pregnant, what should you do?

Press # 1 If you want to listen to the message again, please press 1.

How to take care of your health in first trimester

Press # 2 Leave your comments , questions , or request , please press 2.

How to relieve Morning sickness Press # 3 Go back to Main Manu , please press 3.

Concerns / signs that usually happen during pregnancy

Press # 4 If you want to leave , please press 4.

Danger signs/complications of pregnancy Press # 5

What not to do during pregnancy Press # 6

Listen to sub Manu again Press # *

Back to main Manu Press # 9

If you want to leave Press # 0

IVR’s introduction workflow

Advantage of using IVR:

• The system will be convenient anytime which the target groups just only use mobile phone and call to a toll low-cost number to get into the operation and follow guidance for their needed information.

• The information developed for the system will be made in short and straight meaning with friendly medium and not complicated.

• It provides an alternate experience for the callers for self-service without having to talk to a human agent.

• The callers are able to access as many as they want at anytime and anywhere.

Lesson learnt:

• To set up the line numbers with mobile operators, this process took around two months at least to deal with. Both IVR line numbers Mobitel and Cootel are running; however, there’s some errors need to be fix as it’s not smoothly accessible at the beginning.

• To access the IVR, the public is required to access mobile phone from various telephone lines, and mostly people in the target communes are Metfone users, which the short code of the network is requesting by the project. Therefore, even though the IVR completely installed, majority of people from the project's sites yet accessed the tool because of existing short codes are different from their network and due to the function of the IVR was appropriately yet introduced to the target population.

Lesson learnt (Cont.):

• The cooperation amongst ICT4D network, especially with

InSTEDD, was very helpful to speed up the process for

the short code. Through the partnership, both the

technical assist and building connection for getting the

line numbers/short codes successfully done. WMC is

currently using the approach for have other line numbers

from telephone operators.

Next strategies:

• The project is looking for other short code numbers from other telephone operators to expand the access of users. The project is communicating with Metfone and SMART telecom operators to have two more short codes, which will enable the network users in particularly the target groups can access to the verboice system for the health information free of charge. The project is also approaching an agency to help in requesting the codes for both telephone operators.

• Due to the project engaged ICT, as one of project's pathways to address maternal health and child mortality, the project is necessarily needed to engage private sector in particularly telecom operators such as Mobitel, Cootel, Metfone and SMART for successful function of the verboice, as well as sustainability of running the system.

• Continue to promote IVR to target community and public to broaden knowledge of maternal health.

Thanks for your


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