Imperial Azure Crystal with Shiny Look Available at Andara Crystals SG



Monatomic Andara crystal is one of the master crystals, a healer and a powerful tool. It works on all level physical, spiritual if you want to get more information visit at Andara Crystals SG.

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Imperial Azure

Collection available at

Andara Crystals SG.

New range of Azure Elysium & Green Gold Crystal

• Azure 10•Green Gold 3•Green Gold 2• Azure 9

Azure Elysium

You can buy online at affordable prices only 85.50 (SGD) at Andara Crystals SG.

Azure Elysium Elysium: a state or place of perfect

bliss (blessed) / joy. Azure exists on a higher vibratory plane, uplifting and resonant,

it’s color reveals the unconditional joy / blessings within us all.

Azure Elysium is a protective strong stone it provide energy into the body you can get more colour in Azure crystal

Azure Crystal Called the imperial crystals

Green Gold 3

You can buy online at affordable prices only 73.50 (SGD) at Andara Crystals SG.

Green Gold 3 This color of Monatomic Andara

crystal has chosen the name Celestial Gold.

Celestial : of or belonging to Heaven. Celestial Gold translates the “Light of Heaven” at the atomic level,

heralding the Grand Shift from a world of reflections to that of Radiant Light.

Green Gold is a mixture of radiant colour it works so fast and gives result so quickly.

Green Gold 2

You can buy online at affordable prices only 47.00 (SGD) at Andara Crystals SG.

Green Gold 2 Green Gold 2 shiny crystal at

affordable prices are available at Andara Crystals SG.

This crystal gives strength to deal with difficult situations and provide prosperity happiness in life

It protects the human body if you have any trouble or tension then this crystal always help you

If you are interested to purchase this crystal you can visit at Andara Crystals SG.

Azure Elysium 9

You can buy online at affordable prices only 44.50 (SGD) at Andara Crystals SG.

Azure 9 Azure 9 Is a light weight Crystal

only 18.9 itsa weight . A state or place of perfect bliss

(blessed) / joy. Azure exists on a higher vibratory plane, uplifting and resonant,

it’s color reveals the unconditional joy / blessings within us all.

Azure 9 are amazing crystal we provide extraordinary crystal with new range visit at Andara Crystals SG.

Azure Elysium exists higher vibratory plane

AzureElysium: a state or place of perfect bliss (blessed) / joy

Azure crystal absorbs light, sound this crystal is self transformation crystal radiates the energy in all direction.

You can get only at 85.50 (SGD) at Andara Crystals SG.

For more details you can also visit at Andara Crystals SG.

Thank You If You want to buy online then You Can also visit at Andara Crystal SG.

If You want to buy online then You Can also visit at Andara Crystal SG.

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