How to overcome depression and anxiety


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How to overcome depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety have become so common these days that every second person is complaining about this.

When you are in depression, the energy in the body gets drained out leaving you more stressed and tensed.

How to recover from depression and anxiety?

One needs to have a strong thought in mind that you get well soon. Recovering from depression is not easy and it is a slow process.

The steps and the tips for getting out of depression is not easy and it would also be difficult and exhausting.

But remember, the more the things look difficult for you when in depression, the more it will help you recover from depression.

Build on relationships If you are in depression and if you are trying to make a

change in your life then this is the best one for you. You can seek help and support from any of your friends

and relatives. Talk to the one with whom you feel comfortable. Share your feelings.

Exercise This will relive you from

mood swings during depression.

You just need to go for a walk and you can also try jogging with some soothing music on.

But do this on a regular

basis. At least once a day.

Keeping bay the negative thoughts There should be no room for negative thoughts in

depression and anxiety. If you get them, then don’t fret. Note down the thoughts

that came up in your mind while you were in depression. After some time or a day or so, when you are ok and in

good mood, review the noted points.

Pamper yourself Love yourself more. Loving yourself will reduce the depression level to a great

extent. Do things which you love the most. If you like to listen to music, the listen it. If you like to pamper yourself with a body massage or

some spa therapy, go for it.

Food and diet keep a check on your health and the food that you eat. Don’t eat big meals at one go. Eat small meals in short durations. Keep in mind that you should not skip a meal at all. This will spoil your condition and it might trigger

depression. Include more citrus fruits in your diet. Try adding more of beans, eggs, chicken, leafy greens etc.

in your diet.

Banana is a super food that is rich in nutrients and can help you in mood swings.

Brown rice, spinach are all super foods that boosts the mood.

Sleep enough when you are in depression or if you are stressed, you need

to sleep more. The brain needs some relaxation in order to get back to

normal mode. If you feel like you have mood swings, go for a short

power nap.

Give up the bad habits if you are a smoker or

addicted to alcohol and drugs, know that these would only trigger and escalate the depression and anxiety condition and it might also lead to panic attacks.

You need to cut of these habits and limit yourself from them

Encourage yourself and acknowledge

No matter how much ever you do every day, give yourself a tap for you are a step closer to your goal.

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