Hair growth



A variety of home remedies can be prepared with the items available in your kitchen or at nearby grocery shop to maintain healthy, soft and silky hair.

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1. Are you suffering from overall thinning of the hair all over the head?2.Do you see rapid shedding of hair after child birth?3.Do you feel heavier hair loss than usual hair fall?4. Do you believe in chemical free home remedies for your hair issues?

If your answer is yes for any one of the above hair problem and you believe in home remedies then see next few slides for home remedies.

Home Remedies for Hair Growth

Onion juice for hair Growth

Onion juice boosts collagen production and helps in regrowth in hair.

Chop few onion and squeeze out the juice. Apply juice to the scalp and leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse the hair with mild shampoo. You can do the same 2-3 days in a week for best results.

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Aloe Vera for hair Growth

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Put some Aloe Vera gel on the scalp and gently massage it with your fingers. Leave the gel on the head for 2-3 hours and then wash it with Luke warm water.You can do it twice a week.

Apple cider vinegar for hair


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Wash your hair with shampoo well. After washing your hair apply apple cider vinegar and then rinse it. Vinegar will clean the scalp and maintain the PH balance of hair. Clean and healthy scalp will accelerate the hair growth.

Egg Mask for Hair Growth

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Egg contains high level of proteins that help in formation of new hair.Mix one spoon of honey, one spoon of olive oil with white of one egg to make the smooth paste. Apply this paste at your hair and leave it for 20 minutes then rinse with cool water and your shampoo.

Hot oil Massage for Hair Growth

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The main reason of thinning of hair is poor blood circulation in the scalp. Massaging your head evenly with hot oil with enhance blood circulation. It will also nourish your hair follicles and enhance the hair growth.

Fenugreek for Hair Growth

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Fenugreek protects the natural hair color and accelerate the hair growth. Make the paste of fenugreek seeds and mix with 2 spoon of coconut oil in it. Apply this paste in your hair and leave it for half an hour. Thereafter wash your hair with mild shampoo.

Henna Pack for Hair Growth

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Henna is a natural hair conditioner and it transforms dry and dull hair to soft, smooth and shiny hair. It will strengthen the roots of hair that helps in promoting hair growth.Mix one cup of henna with ½ cup of yogurt and apply this pack to your hair and let it dry. Wash your hair with your shampoo or cold water.

Coconut Milk for Hair Growth

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Apply coconut milk on your scalp and hair. It will strengthen your hair and reduce hair loss.Coconut oil is rich in iron proteins, potassium and natural fats. Apply on scalp and hair. Leave it for a night and rinse your hair next day. This is one of the most effective hair growth treatment.

Indian Gooseberry (amla) for Hair Growth

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Amla is rich anti-oxidants and contains vitamin c. Amla promotes hair growth and improves pigmentation of the hairs.Make a paste of 2 spoon each of amla powder and lime juice. Apply this past on your head and hair. Let it dry and rinse with Luke warm water.