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Foodborne Intoxicants, prevention of contaminants

Bikram ChandMPH 1st yearNitte UniversityFoodborne Intoxicants and prevention of contaminants

All substances are poisonous, there is none which is not a poison; the right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy. Paracelsus 1538


TOXINS3A toxin (Greek: , toxikon) is a poisonous substance produced by living cells or chemist Ludwig Brieger (18491919) first used the term 'toxin.Toxins can be small molecules, peptides, or proteins that are capable of causing disease on contact with or absorption by body tissues interacting with biological macromolecules such as enzymes or cellular receptors.Toxins vary greatly in their severity, ranging from usually minor and acute.


Food Intoxication4Food intoxication is a form of food-borne illness caused by ingesting exotoxins made by organisms such as bacteria, fungi etc. or by consuming the foods that are naturally toxic to humans and animals.Onset of illness is usually very rapid with food intoxication and people can become very sick. Treatment varies, depending on the toxin involved, but can include administrating medications, providing the patient with fluids, and offering other supportive care to help patients recover.

Food Poisoning Infection vs. Food Poisoning Intoxication 5Microbial food poisonings or food borne illnesses mainly fall into one of two categories. The first is food infection, where the microorganism itself grows inside the body and is the source of symptoms.The second is food intoxication, where a chemical or natural toxin causes symptoms or illness.Most bacterial food poisonings are actually food infections.

Some organisms & their Toxins 6Toxin cannot be destroyed by cookingOrganismToxinBacteriaBotulinum toxin, Staphylococcus toxinFungiAfalatoxin, Mycotoxin, Ochratoxin, PatulinToxic algaeOkadaic acidNatural toxinsHistamine, Glycoalcoloids

Toxin characteristics7Non transmittable (human to human)ColorlessOdorlessTastelessMost are stable at standard conditions


LATHYRISMNeurodegenerative disorder.Caused by consumption of pulse lathyrus sativus for a long period of time.Also called as Neurolathyrism.1833 Sleeman provided its record of outbreak in India.Seen in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, China, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Canada and France.9

LATHYRISMIn India Satna Rewa districts of MP, UP, Bihar, West Bengal.Also reported from Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.Diet containing over 30% of this dal for 2 to 6 months can cause this condition.Kesari dal ( Theora dal, Lak dal etc) Grayish color triangular in shape.Use in adulteration of Bengal gram and red gram dal.10

LATHYRISMGood source of protein but has a excitoxin and neurotoxin called Beta Oxalyl Amino Alanine (BOAA).It is water soluble. Content 0.2 to 1g percent.Age incidence : 15-45 yrs.High among males: Agriculturist laborers.Socioeconomic status is the most important factor.Acton (1922) described the clinical feature :Latent stage No stick stage One stick stage Two stick stageCrawler stage11

STAGES OF LATHYRISMLatent stage : characterized by weakness of the lower limbs withspasticityof leg muscles so that movement at the ankle and knee joints is restricted and painful.No stick stage : flexionof the knee is more marked and there is a certain amount of inversion of food with a tendency to talk on toes.One stick and two stick stages : the symptoms described above become more marked and the subject can walk only with the help of crutches or sticks.Crawler Stage : the knee becomes completely flexed and erect posture and walking becomes impossible. There is atrophy of the thigh and leg muscles.



EPIDEMIC DROPSY (ARGEMONE POISONING) Consumption of adulterated mustard oil with the oil of argemone Mexicana seeds.RL Sarkar in 1926.It occurs mostly in the area where mustard oil is the excessively used for cooking.1975-98 four epidemics of dropsy have been reported in Delhi. Govt of India has stopped the sale of mustard oil from August 26 1998.Results in pedal edema, glaucoma, cardiac failure.


EPIDEMIC DROPSY (ARGEMONE POISONING) Incubation period is 1-2 weeks.Sudden onset of non-inflammatory, bilateral, pitting edema of feet associated with pain, burning sensation and redness over the skin.Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.Cardiac insufficiency, renal failure and glaucoma (optic atrophy and blindness).


Prevention and control Measures

Ensuring supply of pure mustard oil by the strict rules of PFA Act.Avoiding the use of mustard oil in prevalent areas.Extensive public awareness program.Testing of blood and urine in suspected cases of dropsy.All patients of epidemic dropsy should be monitored by various investigations.All packed cooking oil should have a label Argemone free.


ENDEMIC ASCITESMillet panicum millaire contamination with weed seeds of crotalaria.Toxin hepatotoxic.Reported in MP -1973 and 1976 Nagesia tribals.Ascites and jaundice.Preventive measure :Deweeding of Jhunjhunia plants.Sieving of the millet in the houses. Health education.


TOXIC POLYPHENOLSDe oiled cotton seed flours are recommended as a protein rich food for children in several developing countries.Cotton seeds are known to contain toxic polyphenol pigment called gossypol.Cause anorexia, diarrhea, hemolysis, gastrointestinal hemorrhages and pulmonary edema.1.2% is the permissible limit or 600ppm of total gossypol.18

AFLATOXINGroundnuts Aspergillus flavus or parasiticus.Humidity moisture level below 16% and temperature 11-37 degree toxin called aflatoxin is produced.Early childhood cirrhosis.Jaundice and bilateral pedal edema.1975- 100 deaths in Gujarat and Rajasthan.Prevention & Control : Proper storage of food grains in dry containers.Moisture below 10%.Not to consume if contaminated.Health education to the local population.19

ERGOTISMBajra, jowar, rye and wheat.Black mass fungus and seeds become black and irregular.Nausea, vomiting, giddiness and painful cramps in the limbs.Prevention and control :By removal : when immersed 20% salt water, the infected grains float.Remove by air floatation or hand picking.Health education.20

21Some toxins are produced while processing of food products and affects consumer in many ways. Drink beverages such as apple, grape or orange juice that are high in vitamin C to counteract the effects of sodium nitrite.Do not cook with aluminum cookware. Aluminum is a poison to the system. Aluminum from the cookware gradually melts into the food which is cooking and goes into the body.

What are Food Contaminants?22Contaminants are substances that can unintentionally enter food during its production or marketing.

Residues are also food contaminants but occur in foodstuffs as traces or derivatives thereof from the use of agrochemicals or food processing.



Hand washing is the most effective way to stop the spread of illness.How to wash hands???Wet hands with warm water.Soap and scrub for 20 seconds.Wash under clean, running water.Dry completely using a clean cloth or paper towel.


Wash hands afterUsing bathroomSneezing, blowing nose & coughingTouching a cutHandling foodsHandling pets



Clean during food preparationWash cutting boards, knives and utensils in hot soapy water after preparing each food and before going on to the next. 26

Recommendation 2: SEPARATESeparate raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods while shopping, preparing or storing foods.27

Use different cutting boards

USE one cutting boardfor fresh produce and a separate one for raw meat, poultry and seafood.28

Use clean platesNEVER serve foods on a plate that previously held raw meat, poultry or seafood unless the plate has first been washed in hot, soapy water.

Recommendation 3: COOKCook foods to a safe temperature to kill microorganisms.29

Cook chicken and turkey (whole birds, legs, thighs & wings) to 165 F.


DANGER ZONE31On a hot day (90F or higher), food should not left out for more than one hour.Bacteria multiply rapidly between 5-60C

Recommended refrigerator & freezer temperatures Set refrigerator at 40 F or below.

Set freezer at 0 F.32

Recommendation 4: AVOID...Raw (unpasteurized) milk or milk products.

Raw or partially cooked eggs and foods containing raw eggs.

Raw and undercooked meat and poultry.

Unpasteurized juices.

Raw leaves.




Thank you !!!36
