Factors That Make People Age Faster


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Factors That Make People Age Faster


IntroductionAlthough your genes are still your primary determinant

for how early or how late youmay start manifesting signs of aging, a poor lifestyle can

predispose you for premature aging.


Studies & Facts


According to a new study , phobic anxiety, which is triggered by intense fear, contributes to older adults aging quickly.

Althoug phobic anxiety are especially common in women, 8 percent of Americans have at least one, whether it's a specific fear such as

arachnophobia -- fear of spiders -- or an overall uneasiness in certain situations like agoraphobia or social phobia. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital analyzed survey results and blood samples from 5,243 women, ages 42 to 69, finding that intense phobic anxiety leads to

faster biological aging.

In 2005, researchers correlated smoking & obesity with biological.. A 2009 a study on identical twins. confirmed the results, while also noting

other factors that contribute to accelerated aging.You may have heard that worrying can give you wrinkles, but a new study shows anxiety may actually accelerate aging in people on a molecular level.

Studies have shown telomeres may be a predictive marker for aging and longevity.

People with the highest levels of phobic anxiety were shown to have telomere lengths similar to people who were a full six-years-older.


External Determinants of Aging

Factors contributing to process of aging could be of 2 types

Natural Aging Process


With age, collagen and elastin production become much slower and the skin produces them in smaller amounts. As a result, skin becomes dry and more prone to wrinkling

Natural Aging Process


Like sun exposure, facial expressions,sleeping positions, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, lack of sufficient sleep and physical activity, and poor eating habits.

External Determinants of Aging


While heredity determines how your skin ages, there are many ways by which you yourself may

be permanently damaging your skin.


Eating Habbits Drinking Factors

Here are a few trivial things in everyday life that

can make you old fast:


Holding anger seems not related with skin. Yet studies show that restrains anger and resentment can make you older faster and die faster. Your anger should be channeled properly, and do not be resentful.

Personality Factors

1)Stifling Anger


After 25 years old watching television can reduce your age by 21.8 minutes, based on research in Australia in 2011. So if you watch six hours of television each day, you will lose your age 4.8 years compared with those who did not watch television.

Personality Factors

2) Watching TV


The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) cautions that sleeping in certain positions night after night leads to "sleep lines" -- wrinkles that become etched into the surface of the skin and don't disappear once you're up.

Personality Factors

3) Sleeping Positions


When drinking from a bottle or a straw, your lips will purse. This will make the wrinkles in the lip area. With increasing age, the wrinkles will be more evident and imprint. For that, you should not be too much to drink the bottle or straw. If not, do not pursing your lips when drinking from a bottle or straw.

Eating & Drinking Factors

1) Drinking from a bottle or a straw


This factor deprives the body of much needed nutrients to fuel cell repair processes, including those vital for skin repair and rejuvenation. Poor intake of fruits and veggies in general denies the body of the protective benefits of antioxidants.

Eating & Drinking Factors

2) Poor Diet


High sugar intake, for example, can cause unhealthy weight gain, but the real aging factor is how one's body uses & recognises sugar. Either way, over-consumption of sugar, leading to high amounts of sugar on in one's body, is linked to aging.

Eating & Drinking Factors

3) Sugar


The risk of dying was highest for middle-aged adults. People who were 45 to 65 years old and lived alone were 24% more likely to die during the study than people in the same age group who lived with spouses or roommates.

Society Factors

1) Loneliness


Separating from a spouse may also leading to accelerated aging, according to a 2009 facial analysis study conducted on sets of identical twins.

Society Factors

2) Divorce


A new study from researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital suggests that phobic anxiety can lead to faster biological aging, along with other health-related problems.

Society Factors

3) Phobic Anxiety


The force of gravity pulls down skin, causing it to sag. However, the skin damaging effects of gravity is accumulated over time. In fact, as you age, the force of gravity on your skin diminishes as skin cells lose a significant amount of mass.

Environmental Factors


1) Gravity


Sun exposure contributes to wrinkles and accelerated external aging. While natural pigments provide some protection, chronic sun exposure can lead to age spots and elastosis, or the breakdown of elastic tissue

2) Sun Exposure

Environmental Factors

Dry surroundings can also cause the skin to age faster. Suppose when you frequently use air or heating. Air space can cause the skin drier. Dry skin will be more easily wrinkled and cause age lines.


Environmental Factors

3) Heating or Air Conditioning

We Can't Prevent Aging But We Can Age Optimally

Aging is actually the No. 1 risk factor for a lot of things you don’t want to have. And while we can’t prevent aging, we can do a lot to ensure that we age optimally.


1)Stop Smoking.

2)Take A Moment To Stop Stress In Its Tracks.

3)Eat Fresh &healthy Diet.

4)Spend Time With Friends.

5)Wear Less Makeup.

6)Beat Signs Of Aging With Lifecell Cream


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