Wrong diet myths


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Wrong Diet


By :Mirna Amalia

Many people fail to lose weight or get the ideal body shape even though they already adhere to a healthy diet.

Why is that?

Because they did not know myths about

diet which make the diet program failed.

And the myths is…..

Low Fat = Low Calorie

Fat in low-fat foods are usually replaced with a

calorie-containing nutrients such as

protein, starch and sugar.

Eating at Midnight Make Fat Fast

“Your weight will

go up if energy

intake is greater

than the energy used."

Energy Drink Healthier Than Soda

Energy drinks may contain many vitamins and minerals. But still

have high sugar content and calories.

Free Eat Anything As Long As Exercising

"Intake of energy must

correspond to the energy expended

when you do not want to

gain weight."

Large Portions Breakfast Dampen Appetite

Breakfast with lighter foods such as whole meal bread, omelets or cereal even better.

Red meat is a source of protein and iron are good, no need to avoid it.

Avoid Red Meat

If you want to eat it select sirloin or rib area near the thinly sliced, and get rid of the fat-fat.

7. Heredity and the Body Fat is Not Customizable

Try to discipline dieting and regular exercise. And you will get the ideal


Sirloin steak have at least 5 grams of fat per 100 grams, while the chicken thighs can have up to 9 grams per 100 grams.

White Meat Lower in Fat

Cholesterol levels did not increase during not consume excessive.

Eggs Increase Risk Cholesterol

Actually, other than low-calorie (75 calories in a boiled egg), eggs also contain vitamin D, vitamin B-12 and other nutrients.

Raw Vegetables Better

When cooked carrots, damage to the cells produced three times as much beta-carotene (an antioxidant that helps protect the skin).

- T h e E n d -

Diet is not required if it is not necessary


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