Womens Health Issues: Natural Therapies for Breast Cancer



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Women's Health Issues: Natural Therapies for

Breast Cancer

When you turn the focus on womens health issues, breast cancer almost always comes up on the top of the list.

US Breast Cancer statistics reveal that almost 1 in every 12 women will have an invasive form of breast cancer in her lifetime. The disease also has the highest fatality for women compared even to lung cancer.

For many of us, the fear of being treated for cancer prevails over all else. The painful chemotherapy, the nausea, hair loss, and many side effects can be nerve wracking.

While natural remedies in no way eliminate the disease completely, they do help in toning down the

negative impact of the illness.

Once you have contracted breast cancer, natural remedies may not help you in controlling the spread of the illness.

But a healthy diet with attention to some natural remedies will kick start your immune system into fighting back and slowing down deterioration in other aspects of your health.

Nature provides you with several untainted ways of keeping good health.

Introducing certain mixes of food items into your diet can significantly help a breast cancer patient deal with the illness.

As with any other form of treatment, however, you will have to plan your diet in consultation with a specialist.

Garlic has alkyl sulphur that gives it anti-cancerous properties.

The substance pushes malignant cells into dying naturally while coaxing

immune cells to work harder.

Having it in raw forms such as oil or cloves or even powdered is the best way of ingesting it.

Grapes contain proanthocyanidins, which clinical trials have proven as effective in bringing down estrogen levels.

They especially work on tumors that are sensitive to hormones.

It also contains doxorubicin which prevents tumors from thriving. This is best had as a juice or as an extract every day.

If you have tumors that are being fed by estrogen levels in your body, then lignans are what should be included in your diet.

These can be found in sunflower seeds as well as in cashews and peanuts.

You will also find them in strawberries and flaxseed. All of them work at bringing down your estrogen levels and consequently slowing down the growth of tumors.

As much as you may hate broccoli, now is the time to indulge. It contains a gene known as linamarase.

When introduced into a cancerous cell, they force these sick cells to break down into cyanide. This works at killing the cell.

With all these inclusions in your diet, you could also make use of alternative medicinal forms such as acupuncture to ease the mental stress related to cancer.

It helps bring down the pain of therapy, it controls nausea, and reduces fatigue.

Should your blood pressure go awry during therapy, you could also make use of guided imagery.

This is a means of imagining yourself to be in a peaceful environment, thereby

calming yourself down.

Visualizing a good state of health is key to this form of alternative medicine.

Each of these methods will need to be introduced into your lifestyle gradually and under expert guidance.

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