West palm beach alcohol addiction treatment center


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Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Serving all of Palm Beach County800-518-5205

West Palm Beach Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center


Natural Foods That Soothe the Mind During Recovery – Tips from Stepping Sober – Palm Beach County addiction treatment specialists.

What you eat during recovery is extremely important. Alcohol and drugs deprive the body of its natural processes. The body’s healing mechanisms become out of whack. Things that are important, like sleep are disrupted and if you’ve faced hard times you know that even an hour of sleep can be hard to find. By having a proper diet and finding other attachments to replace your old ones, can help speed up your recovery process giving you a higher quality of life. Here are a few of the foods that will help to soothe you, along with helping the mind relax and find comfort.

This is a quick grocery list for you with items that can be found in places like 7-11 and in some gas stations if you’re in need of

fast solutions that cost very little.



Veggie Soup

Milk (If you’re not Lactose intolerant)





Dark Chocolate

Nuts and Seeds

Protein items like turkey and tuna are great sources of Tryptophan and Tyrosine and help increase blood flow, but have also

created a relaxing effect on the body.

In countries like India, honey is found to be helpful with sleep. Many people claim that by adding this to a cup of chamomile tea, it

enhances the melatonin creating a mellow feeling and promoting sleep.

Things like veggie soup and oatmeal are comfort foods that can warm any day. Try a little brown sugar and cinnamon in your oats

in the morning for a chance to treat yourself to a great day.

Milk is known to have a calming effect on the body. Because it contains minerals like Lactose and other important nutrients that

can help you sleep more soundly.

Dark chocolate is an excellent source of antioxidants to help cleanse and purify you. This is also found to have a satisfying

reaction much like you feel when you fall in love.

Nuts and seeds are an excellent snack item and some of these delicious selections contain serotonin. Sunflower seeds aren’t just

a great pass time; they also create serotonin levels to rise.

Bananas induce electrolytes in the body. They are full of potassium which is a part of the electrolyte production. You can often

find fresh bananas at places like 7-11 and in some gas stations and not just the grocery store, making these an ideal snack.

Let’s not forget celery. Celery will help your digestive system and creates a calm sensation throughout the body. If you like to eat

things like chips and other munchies, celery is a good replacement because it has crunch factor.

By relaxing you create a healthy environment for the body to heal. Physiologically, the body will have lower blood pressure, a

reduction in stress hormones, an increase in blood flow and reduction in muscle and chronic pain. These are just some of the

benefits of eating better and selecting nutritious food as an attachment that replaces the neglectful diet you may have had.

Looking for an alcohol addiction treatment facility Palm Beach County? Contact one of the staff at Stepping Sober Today!!

If you’re having difficulty sleeping or relaxing, you may need to have the help of a physician. Contact our offices for any

additional help.

Drug abuse treatment options vary depending on symptoms, medical complications or co-occurring disorders. Some families seek the help of a

professional interventionist, who can help persuade their loved one to accept addiction treatment. Intervention consultants can also help prepare family

members to conduct their own intervention.

Stepping Sober - Palm Beach County Drug and Alcohol Treatment

Location: 613 Northlake Blvd, North Palm Beach, FL 33408

Phone: (561) 557-3858

West Palm Beach Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Serving all of Palm Beach County800-518-5205
