WAFF 2015 Trip Report


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WAFF 2015


Our new facility at Kakua

Our first kitchen tent donated by Doctors without Borders

Tent converted to triage area

Paul Robinson getting temperature checked

Now a temporary kitchen

Great food no matter where we cook!

Even the cook is going to taste it

We serve great chicken to the patients

We sure needed some electricity and thanks to the donors for the generator

We must take care of it though

Paul says let’s build it a home

Great, room for a back up generator, workshop area and a store room

Elijah oversees the electrical work

Scaffolding comes in handy

Let us get down to business and do what we came here to do and that is HELP THE PEOPLE. Tear out

the walls and build an operating theatre.

Walls removed and a very comfortable operating theatre with the first patient on the table. Great

job Paul and associates!!!

Wow how wonderful!!!

Nice to have electricity and oxygen saturation machine since we do not have access to oxygen in

the country

Now have a modern machine that determines one’s blood count.

Now let us bring the patients to their new home and see if we can fix them. They are now part of

our family.

Matron Aminata Swaray ready for admissions

Samuela and Fatmata have the beds, gowns and flowers ready for the ladies

Get comfortable and have some flowers next to our bed. Do I see a cell phone?

I’m ready and what are you folks waiting on?

Janet says you are welcome to the Julia ward which has 12 beds at present.

You are welcome to the Maria ward (16 more beds). Sisters that started the prettypurposeful.org

foundation and are supporters.

Dr. Mannah with Fatmata and Samuela

Robert is ready also. Always with that smile.

Time for PPE (personal protective equipment.

Robert do not spray me in the face.

Might lose a little weight if I do this much.

Patients passing the time with making beads to resale.

These beads are beautiful!

Fatmata, Memuna and Marian getting food for the patients. 3 meals a day.

This food is a must to help us get better and heal. We also get fe, vitamins, zinc and other nutrients.

Oops! Where did that oil come from? Where is Paul????

Thank God for Paul and his folks (Kabba). We have only one operating table. (Only 2 ½ hrs downtime)

Dr. Mannah with John Mansary our anesthetist and a Amie carrying her urine bag post op.

Grandma has only been wet for 44 years!!!! She will gladly carry her urine bag for 2 weeks.

In the meantime. Timothy has a job to do as he has a lot of pride in how his hospital looks. Look

out for the cobras!

Paul, Juana and our administrator Benedict are busy making sure we are frugal to the penny.

Elijah is giving Paul receipts for every expenditure and they are scrutinized. Maintenance on the vehicles and generators are meticulously done


Dr. Mannah takes time out to play with one of the many babies that come and stay with their


I’m happy to be with my mother who is also happy. Wow we all are happy!!

Marian with one of the patients’ baby.

To and from the hospital we see many different sites. Wondering where he is going?

Probably not going to have as much fun as these creative boys had building this car out of a oil can

and lids.

High dollar toy here!!!!

What about these high dollar toys. A worn out tire and a stick. Bigga and Morrison here.

Freedom has been around for a long time and looks like he is being taken care of by many. No

problem here.

A few weeks have gone by and they are doing well with their foleys and urine bags. Posing for a friend

Paul Burke, District Fire Chief I recently met with the Boston Fire Department that was the Chief

during the Boston bombing.

Two of our patients have been ministering to our patients and this was a Sunday morning service.

Jinnah, Grandma, Mamie and Amie are all participating in the service all run by the patients

Janet in her pretty Sierra Leonean dress on a Sunday morning.

BoBo and Bigga do not seem to have much to worry about. Pretty content I would say.

This young man seemed very happy he got a lift from a friend.

A waste basket full of bladder catheters. We must have some happy patients!!!

Very happy young ladies and how have they bonded and did not know each other until a few

weeks ago. Happy to have their life back.

Oops someone is DRY!!!

Another plus many more and thanks to all the donors for giving to our organization to make this


Now ready to go home wearing normal dry clothes.

Guess who is also happy? This is Grandma dancing with Dr. Mannah.

Now it is time for Grandma to go back to the village where she has been shunned, ostracized and destitute for 44 years to inform them she is


Look what she is going in. The beautiful land cruiser that our donors provided her with to ride.

Nurse Jeneba is spending hours with the patients and giving them booklets with pictures to help

them understand what caused and how to prevent Fistulas. Education is the key!!!!

Mamie and her son are happy to be going home.

Abigail and Memuna (former patient) help with our skills training.

We pray that education reaches this young lady before it is too late.

Look to the left next to water tank. Paul is starting on the kitchen that is going to be the best out door kitchen in Sierra Leone for his patients.

Now we know where to go.

Our Mantra

Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the

world…..Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

All that is needed for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing

On a solemn note “EBOLA”

The most resilient people in the World!!!!!

We will not relent. We must go on regardless. For why are we

on this earth. There is no greater joy than helping our

fellow man.

West Africa Fistula wants to say thank you to all our friends,

donors and supporters.Darius R. Maggi M.D.
