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Fat soluble:

Vitamins: A,D,E,K

Water soluble:Non B complex vitamin: C*Energy releasing:

Vitamins: B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B7*Hematopoietic:

Vitamins: B9,B12

Fat soluble Water soluble

*Stored in the body * Not stored in the body

*Excess is not excreted usually except in cystic fibrosis and pancreatic insufficiency.*They act as precursors for co-enzymes and antioxidants( beta-carotene & Vitamin E)

*Excess is excreted in urine.

* They act as (B-complex) co-enzymes and (vitamin-C ) antioxidant

Wald’s visual cycle


1 retinol equivalent= 1µg retinol=6µg beta carotene=12µg other carotenes

For males: 3,500 IUFor females:2,500 IU

Biological Functions

Steroid like function in growth and differentiation Effect on epitheliaPrevent keratin synthesisRetinyl phosphate in synthesis of glycoproteinsSynthesis of transferrinSynthesis of cholesterolCaroteinoids play role as antioxidants & reduce risk of heart attacks

Deficiency manifestations

*Nyctalopia*Xerophthalmia & Bitot’s spots*Keratomalacia*Sterility in males*Keratinization of GI,Urinary & Respiratory tracts* Formation of urinary calculi

Keratomalacia Bitot’s spots


*Dermatitis*Enlargement of liver*Skeletal decalcification*Tenderness of long bones*Loss of weight, hair, irritability*Joint pains*Increased synthesis of lysosomal hydrolases

Therapeutic uses

Maternal hepatic accumulation of Vitamin A in fetus occurs during last trimester, hence preterm infants are relatively deficient in Vitamin A. Its administration may reduce mortality & complications in patients with measles, especially children due to repair of epithelial cells.

Acute promyelocytic leukemia is treated by all trans retinol administration before chemotherapy.Use of retinoic acid preparation as topical dermatological agents in treatment of psoriasis, acne & several other skin diseases due to epithelial regeneration capacity.Some pre-cancerous lesions seem to respond to treatment with Caroteinoids.



For males:15 IUFor females:12 IURequirement α Intake of PUFA

Prevents sterility by protecting germinal epitheliumPrevents oxidation of PUFA, Vitamin A & CaroteinoidsStabilizes co-enzyme Q of ETSNeeded for optimal amino acid absorptionProtects liver from carbon tetrachlorideRequired for proper storage of creatinine in skeletal muscleNecessary in heme synthesis by enhancing activity of δ-amino levulinic acid synthase & hydratasePrevents cancer & heart diseases

Deficiency manifestations

*Sterility*Degenerative changes in muscle*Megaloblastic anemia*Changes in CNS


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