Violence In Schools


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Violence in schoolsViolence in schools

Daniela Florêncio Nº8Daniela Florêncio Nº8 Joana Bretes Nº12Joana Bretes Nº12 Sofia Salcedas Nº24Sofia Salcedas Nº24


Violence in schoolsViolence in schools

Bullying Violence between teachers and their students


Bullying a word with English origin. It Bullying a word with English origin. It

is used to describe acts of violence: is used to describe acts of violence:

physical or psychological. This acts physical or psychological. This acts

are intentional, repetitive and they are intentional, repetitive and they

are done by one individual (bully) or are done by one individual (bully) or

a group of individuals. a group of individuals.

Bullying - ObjectiveBullying - Objective

The objective of bullying is to The objective of bullying is to intimidate or simply to aggress other intimidate or simply to aggress other individual who can’t defend himself.individual who can’t defend himself.

Bullying can be…Bullying can be…

Direct Indirect (social aggression)

Direct bullying - is the most common - is the most common act of violence between males; it is act of violence between males; it is based on physical aggression.based on physical aggression.

Indirect bulling - or social aggression - or social aggression is the most common between female is the most common between female bullies and young children.bullies and young children.

In this acts, bullies want to force In this acts, bullies want to force their victims to social isolation.their victims to social isolation.

Indirect BullyingIndirect Bullying

Intimidate their victims with Intimidate their victims with some tecnics:some tecnics:

Spread comments;Spread comments;

The bully refuse to socialize with The bully refuse to socialize with

the victim;the victim;

The bully don’t even let other The bully don’t even let other

people talk to the victim;people talk to the victim;

The Bullies…The Bullies…

Have commanding personality;Have commanding personality;

Have jealous;Have jealous;

Are easily provoked;Are easily provoked;

Are aggressive;Are aggressive;

The Victims Behaviour…The Victims Behaviour…

Sleep disorders;Sleep disorders;

Lose their appetite;Lose their appetite;


They try to skip the break;They try to skip the break;

Lower grades;Lower grades;

Suspicious interactions.Suspicious interactions.

Violence between teachers Violence between teachers and their studentsand their students

This kind of violence has been This kind of violence has been


Everyday, teachers suffer acts of Everyday, teachers suffer acts of

violence in the form of insults and violence in the form of insults and

physical aggressions, and it is this kind physical aggressions, and it is this kind

of violence that has been increasing.of violence that has been increasing.

The majority of the cases are not The majority of the cases are not identified because teachers:identified because teachers:

Are ashemed;Are ashemed;

Feared the reprisal;Feared the reprisal;

Think that judicial processes take to Think that judicial processes take to



Last year, 185 aggressions to Last year, 185 aggressions to teachers, were registaded,in schools teachers, were registaded,in schools and around.and around.

A case per day, counting only the school days

The EndThe End
