The Death Of A Loved One


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How Children Grieve "moody," "cranky," or "withdrawn“ are all words

used to describe how a

child grieves the death of a loved

one. Creating an atmosphere in which

the child's thoughts, fears and

wishes are recognized is important They should be surrounded by

feelings of warmth, acceptance and understanding

How Adults Grieve

Tears and anger are an important part of the healing process. Grief is not a sign of weakness

"tell me how you are feeling“ is a way for them to open up and start the healing process

Why Some Marriages Fail After the Death of a Loved One

Many bereaved parents struggle for a lifetime with personal and marital issues related to a child dying.

Even decades after the death, it

brings up strong feelings. They rarely or never had the

opportunity to tell the full story. As individuals you must deal with

the awesome, confusing, painful,

and overwhelming thoughts that

come with a child’s death

Why Some Marriages Fail After the Death of a Loved One

In a sense, you have become something

of a stranger to yourself and each other. In the process, your marriage cannot be

what it was before. You become new people, with no sense

of whether you can or should return to being

Your old selves. It is easy for you and your spouse to see many negatives

in each other and in your marriage. You may have to deal with whether and how to change

your marital relationship or even with the possible loss of your marriage.

Personal Experiences The book; Badgers parting gifts. My mom gave it

to me when my grandma died. It’s about Badger who has died and all the animals are upset but after a while the animals start to talk about the memories they had with Badger and how he was such a great friend.

It helped me deal with

the death of my

