Talwalkars - Healthy eating habits in children and teenagers



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Healthy Eating Habits In Children And Teenagers

The growth and development of a child is dependent on uncontrollable factor i.e. heredity and

controllable factors i.e. diet and nutrition.

The 2-5 years age group is very important for the long-term growth and development of the child.

Whatever is the child’s height at 5 years, the child grows to double of that at 18 years. The brain

development is that takes place in this age group is more than 70% of the total development.

Developing children's attitude toward food should be similar to teaching them how to handle

money. Once children reach age 10 or 12, it is very difficult to change their habits or coerce them

into eating healthier foods.

Hence good nutrition becomes very critical for the child in the 2-5 yr age group. For many parents,

helping children develop healthy eating habits is a struggle and at times they let kids make their own

choices. But children's judgment is less mature and they still depend on parents to guide them.

Parents control the supply lines. Though kids will pester their parents for less nutritious foods, adults

should be in charge when deciding which foods are regularly stocked in the house. Keep your

refrigerator and cabinets stocked with healthy snacks. Kids won't go hungry. They'll eat what's

available at home.

Encourage your child to eat slowly and let them stop eating when they feel they've had enough.

Approach of clean the plate rule doesn't help kids listen to their own bodies when they feel full.

When kids notice and respond to feelings of fullness, they're less likely to overeat.

Food is not love. Find better ways to say, "I love you." When foods are used to reward kids and show

affection, they may start using food to cope with stress or other emotions. Offer hugs, praise, and

attention instead of food treats

Approach towards developing healthy eating habits:

Avoid watching TV while eating meals especially.

Involve your child in cooking simple recipes like a sandwich/pasta.

Serve snacks in small bowls: small serving looks abundant.

Set a good example by eating variety of nutritious foods and snacks.

Eating meals together with family helps children.

Don’t bribe or reward kids with food especially chocolates and ice creams.

Avoid using dessert as the prize for eating a particular meal.

Healthy Breakfast / Snacks Options

Whole wheat / Multi grain Sandwich with lots of vegetables / paneer / low fat cheese.

Scrambled tofu / egg whites with some onions /capsicum / tomato with whole wheat toast.

Raisin, cashew / almond, walnut chocolates.

Mixed vegetable shallow fried paranthas with Skimmed milk curds.

Fresh Fruits with Low fat cottage cheese.

Mixed vegetable poha / upmaa with sprouts.

Fruit smoothies.

Fresh Popcorn made without salt or sugar.

Healthy Lunch / Dinner Options

Whole-wheat pasta with vegetables, paneer, low fat cheese, chicken in tomato gravy / white


Brown rice pulao / biryani with low fat curd / raita.

Kidney bean roll.

Whole-wheat pizza with vegetable and low fat cheese toppings.

Spinach chapattis with mixed vegetable raita.

Spinach idllis / dosas served with mixed vegetable sambhar.

Nutritional guidance won't work unless you have built up good sense (of nutrition) over time. If you

see a real eating problem and there is anger and conflict, seek professional intervention. Helpful

support of family, friends and healthcare professionals is the best method for addressing eating

