Soft drugs and tobacco


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Soft Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol

Drug dealer

A drug dealer sells drugs.

Drug sniffing dogs

These dogs can smell drugs in someone’s bag.

They usually work at the airport, or help police.

Drug violence

Thousands of people die or are arrested every year because of drugs.

Marijuana (pot, weed, herb, ganja)

A marijuana pipe and joint.A marijuana bud หน่�อ

Bodily effects of marijuana

Marijuana is much stronger than it used to be

THC is the chemical in marijuana that makes you high.

Over time, THC has gone up because of new ways of growing.

Increased appetite ความอยาก (the munchies)

Marijuana can make you slow and stupid, and hurt your short term memory

Marijuana can make you anxious หว��น่ไหวparanoid and depressed  เศร้�าใจ

Artificial marijuana

Spice was popular a few years ago, but is becoming illegal.

Health benefits of marijuanaMarijuana is used as medicine in many places.

• Pain relief• Preventing blindness from glaucoma• Stops nausea and vomiting• Helps insomnia


LSD was first made in the 1940’s.

It is a strong and dangerous drug.

Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms are similar to LSD.

Hallucination  จ�ตหลอน่

This woman is having a “bad trip”.


Steroids will make you big, but will ruin your health.


Tobacco plants A cigarettes being rolled

Which looks more crazy and stupid?

Teeth stains and wrinkles

Chewing tobacco

Chewing tobacco is just as dangerous as smoking.


• Nicotine is a very addictive substance.• Nicotine will give you a “buzz” or a high

feeling.• It will affect your hormones and increase your

risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Nicotine patch

Can help people stop smoking.

Second hand smoke

Second hand smoke kills people.

It is just as bad as first hand smoke.

Don’t smoke around other people.

Smoking while pregnant will hurt your baby!

Lung cancer   มะเร้�งปอด and emphysema โร้คถุ�งลมโป�งพอง

Taxes on tobacco

• Cigarettes have become very expensive in some places


Alcohol is a legal drug. It is popular around the world.

Alcohol makes you drunk.

Alcohol is useful in our cars!

Most gasoline in Thailand has ethanol in it.

Ethanol is the same as the alcohol people drink.


Alcohol was illegal in America from 1920-1933.

But people drank anyway.

Legal drinking age map

Drinking makes you do stupid things

Be careful with your phone when you are drunk.

This man is passed out in the toilet.

Girls protect each other in pairs

When girls get drunk at a party, they should look out for each other.

Some men want to take advantage of a drunk girl.

What is “one drink”?

Blood alcohol level chart


A breathalyzer measures how much alcohol is in your blood.

It is used by police to catch drunk drivers.

Alcohol poisoning

If someone passes out from alcohol poisoning, make sure they are in a position that they won’t choke on their vomit.

Memory blackouts

• If you drink alcohol very quickly, you are more likely to have a loss of memory.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

• Mental confusion, stupor, coma, or person cannot be woken up.

• Vomiting.• Seizures.• Slow breathing (fewer than eight breaths per minute).• Irregular breathing (10 seconds or more between

breaths).• Hypothermia (low body temperature), bluish skin

color, paleness.

hangoverSymptoms: headache, nausea, fatigue, dry mouth, dizziness.

It is caused by dehydration and other factors.

Cheap alcohol often gives people a worse hangover.

Poor sleep

• Alcohol lowers your quality of sleep.• You don’t dream as much when you are drunk.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver.

It can lead to death.

Fetal alcohol syndrome

Alcoholics Anonymous “AA”

AA meetings help alcoholics support each other.

AA members get tokens showing how long they have been sober.

Role play

• One person has some marijuana, and wants the other to smoke. They don’t want to.

• One person is having a “bad trip” on LSD. The other is trying to help them.

• One person is a grandfather dying of lung cancer from smoking. The other is a grandson who smokes.


• What is the group that helps alcoholics?• What happens in the morning after you drink

too much?• What is a disease you can get from smoking?• What are two bad effects of marijuana?• What happens to people who do LSD and

magic mushrooms?• What is the chemical in cigarettes that makes

people addicted?
