Social media for librarians in the public sector - Health Sciences Library Groups Conference 2013



This presentation was give at the Health Services Library Groups conference for medical librarians in April 2013. In the presentation I covered current trends in the use of social technologies to build visibility and awareness of medical library services. This presentation whilst develoed for public sector libraries for example medical libraries in universities and hospitals is also relevant for private sector organisations. If you have questions about the presentation please contact me at If you found this of assistance please do join me on Google Plus where I share social business and content marketing guidance and resources - you will find me at

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Socialising Communications Integrating Social Technologies Into Your

Library Marketing Plan HSLG Conference 2013

Photo credit Review your analytics to understand what device people are using to

access your online content and develop a plan to ensure it is accessible

1. Is Your Marketing Mobile Ready? The device we choose to use is often driven by the context including

when we search and where we are searching from

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2. Invest In Your Home Base Photo credit

We can benefit from social platforms but remember that they can change their terms of service or even may cease to operate Build support for social media and develop your social media guidelines

Build capability in your organisation through training and mentoring

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3. Establish And Educate Your Team It is essential that we plan our content marketing online and offline to include visual elements – this will also help encourage online sharing

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Turn Information And Data Into Infographics

Tools to help you create infographics include Piktochart,, PowerPoint and PicMonkey

Creating Infographics The Low Tech Way

A pen or pencil will work too

Can You Create Short Form Content?

Share memorable stories on Cinemagram for Android, Twitter’s Vine app or Instagram videos

Could You Create Interactive Images And Guides?

Using you can integrate links into an image to make your content interactive and embed it on your website

5. Make Your Content Easy To Share Photo credit

If you have developed great content enable it to easily be shared from your website and using platforms that enable others to embed your content

Do You Make It Easy For People To Share Your Content?

Tools include ShareThis and AddThis - add share links to relevant pages on your website and to PDF documents

Use Platforms That Enable Sharing

Platforms such as SldeShare enable people to embed your content on their sites and share with their networks

6. Don’t Ignore Google Plus

The importance of your Google Plus Page should not be underestimated especially when in relation to local search results Social curation tools include Delicious,

Eventifier, RebelMouse. Scoopit and Storify

7. Use Content Aggregation And Curation Tools To Maximise Impact Libraries are curating content on platforms on Pinterest sharing ideas for books to read, activities for young readers and events

Explore Emerging Platforms To Reach New Readers Ensure risk management and crisis management plans to take into account how you

can use social technologies both as an early warning system and for communications

8. And Finally – Remember To Integrate Digital Communications

Into Your Communications And Crisis Management Plans

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