Schizophrenia: The Truth


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The Truth About


Schizophrenia and Related Disorders

Alliance of America


Linda Whitten Stalters

Board of Directors

Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Alliance of America


Mission: Improve the lives of people with schizophrenia and related disorders by promoting hope and recovery through support programs, education and advocacy

Schizophrenia is NOT

• A lack of will power or self-discipline

• A result of poor parenting

• A consequence of substance abuse

• A Personality disorder

• Being evil or possessed

Schizophrenia is a Physical Disease

Research Indications

• Schizophrenia is a disorder of the neurochemicals that transmit messages between neurons in the brain and quantity of synapses

• There are physical differences in the brain

• There are differences in the cognitive processing of information

• MRIs show significant changes in brain functioning for those with schizophrenia

• Genetic markers that can increase a person's risk for schizophrenia

Brain Connectivity


Normal Schizophrenia

Fewer synapses

in schizophrenia

Enlarged Ventricles


Working memory

Selective attention


Positive symptoms



Disordered thoughts

Negative symptoms



















Abnormality Locations

Greatest loss in the temporal and frontal brain regions that control memory, hearing, motor functions, and attention.

3-dimensional profile of gray matter loss in brains of teenagers with schizophrenia

Genetic Risks

General population 1%

Sibling 5%

Child with 1 parent w/schizophrenia 10%

Dizygotic (Fraternal) co-twin 10%

Child of 2 parents w/ schizophrenia 40%

Monozygotic (Identical) co-twin 50%

Recovery Is Real

A Consumer’s Perspective

“Recovery does not mean cure…”

“…rather recovery is an attitude, a stance and a way of approaching the day’s challenges.”

Patricia Deegan PhD (1996. pp.96-97)

Barriers To Recovery

Stigma and discrimination

“The stigma is harder to deal with than the illness itself.”

Barriers To Recovery

Lack of Education

Lack of Access to Effective Health Care

Lack of Resources

Lack of funding for Schizophrenia and related diseases

Hopelessness and shame

Putting Things In Perspective

• Schizophrenia: 3 million Americans

• Multiple Sclerosis: 400,000

• Insulin-dependent Diabetes: 350,000

• Muscular Dystrophy: 35,000

• HIV/AIDS: 1.2 million

• Two times more prevalent in the U.S. than

Alzheimer’s 2003

The Real Impact & Cost

Schizophrenia accounts for more hospital stays than any other illness

2% of GNP, nearly $70 Billion in direct and indirect costs

One of the 10 leading causes of disability in world (WHO)

Did You Know?

Lifelong morbidity and increased mortality

Individuals with a serious mental illness die, on average, 25 years earlier than other Americans

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA)

The Current Approach?

Two of the largest mental health providers in the country today are Cook County and Los Angeles County jails

– between two and four hundred thousand or more persons with mental illnesses are confined in U.S. jails and prisons

SARDAA Sponsors Hope

Schizophrenics Anonymous

Peer Support

Joanne VerbanicFounder of Schizophrenics Anonymous

• 1970 diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia

• 1985 volunteer work with Mental Health Association in Michigan

– Spokesperson at Mental Health conferences, universities, schools, clubs, TV, radio in an effort to educate the public

– Founded Schizophrenics Anonymous in Michigan

“I have made a commitment to devote the rest of my life to helping other mentally ill…I will continue the endeavor as long as I live.”

Joanne Verbanic

Schizophrenics Anonymous

2008 – More than130 groups meeting throughout 31 states, as well as Australia, Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela.

Schizophrenics Anonymous (SA)

• Voluntary

• Consumer membership driven

• No dues, governing bodies, or by-laws

• Peer support providing empowerment in working toward recovery

Schizophrenics Anonymous

“While most SA participants value the help

they receive in professional settings, SA provides a unique type of help in dealing with schizophrenia that members do not receive from professionals or from other mental health organizations.”

Salem, Reischl, & Randall, 2000

Michigan State University

Qualitative Findings

Involvement in SA helps members:

– Increase understanding of schizophrenia and how to cope with it.

– Promotes change in self-esteem

– Provides opportunities for participation in meaningful social roles.

– Helps to combat feelings of loneliness and social isolation.

Salem, Reischl, & Randall, 2000

Michigan State University

SARDAA Philosophy

With treatment , support, public education and awareness every person with schizophrenia can have the opportunity to recover to their potential and live a full life in the community, free from stigma and discrimination.

What Can You Do?

Contact us to learn how.

Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Alliance of America


PO Box 941222

Houston, Texas 77094-8222

Linda Whitten Stalters, MSN,APRN,BC,PMH,MTAPA,FAPABoard of Directors

(240) 423-9432

Schizophrenia Quiz

1. Schizophrenia is a way of describing a “split personality.”

False. It is a disease with a physical cause, like cancer or heart disease.

2. No one can recover from schizophrenia.

False. With proper treatment and support, the majority of people do recover.

3. Schizophrenia is a common mental illness.

True. About 1% of the world’s population and about 3 million U.S. citizens have the disease.

4. Schizophrenia most commonly begins in people over age 50.

False. The onset of schizophrenia normally begins between the ages 15 and 25.

5. Schizophrenia can be caused by bad upbringing, or personal or moral weakness.

False. It is a disease with a physical cause.

6. Schizophrenia can be diagnosed through a series of medical tests.

False. There are, currently, no medical tests for schizophrenia but several tools are used by trained professionals to evaluate and diagnose the disorder.

7. Approximately 1 of every 10 people with schizophrenia completes a suicide attempt.

True. And about 20%-40% of people with schizophrenia attempt to commit suicide.

Suicide is the number one cause of death for young people with schizophrenia.

8. Like diabetes, schizophrenia has a genetic pattern.

True. There is a hereditary tendency.

Hereditary Tendency Rates

General population 1%

Sibling 5%

Child with 1 parent w/schizophrenia 10%

Dizygotic (Fraternal) co-twin 10%

Child of 2 parents w/ schizophrenia 40%

Monozygotic (Identical) co-twin 50%

9. People with schizophrenia are often violent.

False: People with schizophrenia are no more likely to be violent than their neighbors. In fact they are the victims of murder 6 times the general population

(Lancet, 2001)
