Room Painting Techniques




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Room Painting Techniques

Paint adds a great setting to any space, and using various types of paint techniques on your wall can further improve the look and feel of the room. There are a number of simple paint techniques you can use to create just the right effect and the perfect depth of colour to any space. Your walls serve as a backdrop for your entire room and so it is important for you to get the perfect colours and effect from your wall. Techniques like colour wash, sponge and comb are different effects you can use for your wall design.


Paint can make all the difference in the world to a room and house painting can be very exciting. It can really enhance your home design. The different paint colours, hues, tints and shades can add different settings to the same space. In addition to adding just colour to a wall, you can also add various different effects that will add even more character to a room and make it look more alive and vibrant. The trick is choosing the colour that you want to use and the effect you want to produce in wall painting.

Let us look at some different techniques you can use with various paints when you are painting any room in your house. You can really learn a few things on how to paint a room.

Colour Wash

This effect involves first painting the lighter shade. You have to let this paint dry and then you can add the effect to the wall. To add the colour wash effect you should take a darker colour than the one you have already painted on the wall. Use a rag and dip it in this darker paint and make swirls on the wall. Make sure you apply even pressure when you make the swirly motions. These swirls can even overlap each other and different shades can be used to add more or less intensity. Try and paint colours on your wall that blend well together.


As the name suggests, sponging involves using a sponge to create an effect on a wall. You can use a sponge, or even a crumpled rag, newspaper or plastic bag to create the same effect. As with the colour wash technique, you have to first add your base coat on the wall and let it dry before you create the sponge effect on the wall. You should dip the sponge in your chosen paint and add it on the wall by slowly and steadily dabbing the sponge on the wall, thus creating the sponge effect.


You will need a paint comb to get this effect. After you apply the base paint and let it dry, you can start with the combing effect. When using the combing technique, you need to paint a horizontal or vertical stripe of another, preferably contrasting, colour on the wall and then run the comb over this strip while the paint is still wet so you can see the comb lines. You can be creative and make straight, curly or other comb patterns, depending on how you want it to look. Add as many stripes as you like, depending on your personal preference. By doing this way you can make home painting really fun and unique.

With simple tricks and techniques anyone can <a href= >paint</a> their home, wall, offices in <a href= > colour combination</a>. There are lots of tips are available like wash, sponge and comb to give your home's wall as great effects.

Keywords: Paint, Paints, Painting, Colour, Colour Paints, Paint Colours, house painting, home design, home painting, how to paint a room, wall painting.