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Rhinoscleroma: A case report

Dr. Nikesh M GosraniENT RESIDENT,


HISTORY12 yr old maleOf Makkatola,Chattisgadhc/o

swelling over nose- 2 months

Blocking/obstruction of nose-

2 months• Increasing gradually

HISTORYPast history - not significant

Family history - not significant

Personal history - baths in lake/boring well water

GENERAL EXAMINATIONGC- modAfebrileP-74/minBP- 120/80 mmHgNo pallor/clubbing/cyanosis/icterus/edemaCervical lymphadenopathy

Systemic ExaminationRespiratory system -NADCardiovascular system - NADGastrointestinal system - NADCentral Nervous System - NAD


Swelling over nose extending from supratip to dorsum, between nasolabial fold horizontally.

Firm , woody on consistency

Splaying of nasal bones with telecanthus


Bluish red mass obscurring view of both nasal cavity.

Sensitive to touch, does not bleed on touch, firm in consistency.

LOCAL EXAMINATION Oral & oropharynx: Ulcer over hard palate 0.5x0.5 cm


INVESTIGATIONSHematological investigations -WNLCT scan -small mildly enhancing

soft tissue lesion in anterior part of nasal cavity arising from superior wall and blocking the nares.


PUNCH BIOPSYShows sheets of plasma cells, lymphocytes & few foamy histiocytess/o rhinoscleroma

TREATMENTPresently on Tetracyclin 500 mg tds.Recanalisation is planned after two weeks of

medical treatment.

DiscussionGranulomatous diseaseKlebsiella rhinoscleromatis, gram negative

encapsulated rod like bacillusFormation of nodules in mucosal& submucosal layer.No ulceration or suppuration.Mode of infection is unknown.4 stages: catarrhal stage

atrophic stage nodular/ granulomatous stagecicatrization

DISCUSSIONPresence of an accumulation of plasma cells, lymphocytes &

eosinophils, Miculicz cells & Russel bodies found.High content of mucopolysacchrides around walls protects

organismDifferential diagnosis: Atrohic rhinitis

TuberculosisLupus vulgaris

Diagnosis: clinical featuresCompliment fixation testCulture Biopsy

Barylak ,s technique

DISCUSSIONModalities of treatment -Antibiotics-Streptomycin -Tetracycline

-Septran -Chloramphenicol

-Local application – injection of mixture of carbolic acid, glycerine &acetic acid

-steroid -Removal of cicatrisation & recanalisation - Radiotherapy

CONCLUSIONUncommmon in present decadeRhinoscleroma should be kept in mind.
