Rattlesnakes safety


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Some facts and a little fiction

Snake bites in the United States On average, 7000 to 8000

bites per year. In 2000 according to the

NSC, 9 people died from poisonous snake bites, 12 the previous year.

As a perspective, 84 people were killed in 2009 by Bee’s.

The majority of rattlesnake bites are when teased or handled.


Rattlesnakes are present on many oil field leases or in our own yards

Can be dark brown to black in color.

About 2 feet average length, some up to 5 feet.

Like to sun bathe on nice firm objects-in roads

More active around dawn and dusk

I am really not that mean and ugly!

Females bear 4-12 young, live births. Mate in Spring, Birth in Fall

Babies are born with fangs and poison

No rattle on babies until after the first shedding, usually following spring.

Why they strike

Diet includes rodents, rabbits, reptiles and lizards

Very few natural predators after they are grown

Sense heat and movement to determine size

Early spring they are quite active looking for food and a mate

Rattlesnakes like things to live in and under that provide shelter

Pipes, under steps, under wood, around pumping units, anything they can get under that is stationary

If you encounter a rattlesnake, don’t panic

If you hear it, but don’t see it. find it first-just look around before you step The rattle is a warning to

stay away. Heed it’s advice!

Back away slowly Do not attempt to

molest or kill the snake

Some safety tips on rattlesnakes Hand placement Walking Working Looking Preventing Handling

The Bite from a Rattlesnake Two types of venom, A

hemotoxin, and a Neurotoxin. Most rattlesnakes are

Hemotoxic. The venom is a combination of enzymes and peptides that begin the digestive process.

Mojave Green is Neurotoxic with some hemotoxins.

85% of rattlesnake bites are below the knee.

50% are considered dry bites. The strike is defensive, they want you to go away.

Severity/effects depend on many factors associated with the snake and the person.

If you were bitten.... You will not die in 5 minutes (Unless you have

a reaction) so relax! Clean the wound area, if you have an extractor,

you can try it, but it probably won’t help. Hold part at same level as the heart if possible Do not apply ice Take Emergency Department or call 911


Basically- just go (quickly) to the Hospital or call 911

Some other items to discuss Rattlesnakes are usually not

aggressive unless provoked They will typically strike about 1/2 the

distance of their body, usually less but can strike farther if angry!

Rattlesnakes will crawl over a rope-Old cowboy thing.

Rattlesnakes will not always rattle before the strike-they want you to go away quietly

They do not eat their young The dead head is dangerous and can

still bite you!. They will cuddle with you on a cold

night if you don’t mind.

So now you know, I am very dangerous if handled, I

will not hurt you if you just go away. I got a bad wrap for

my cousin eating apples. I can keep those

pesky mice under control for you...so get a grip and let me be!
