pregnancy and homoeopathic management


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Pregnancy & Homoeopathic management

Compiled by : dr. endresh KATiyAr b.h.m.s. m.d. (pGr)


Development of the Human Embryo

Developmental History of a Human

Stages of Pregnancy and Stages of Pregnancy and DevelopmentDevelopment

• Fertilization

• Embryonic development – Cleavage

• Morula

• Blastocyst

• Implantation

• Fetal - Differentiation

• Growth – Development

• Childbirth


•Fertilization is the process of the fusion of the spermatozoon with the mature ovum.

•Almost fertilization occurs in the ampullary part of uterine tube.


• The egg is viable for 12 to 24 hours after ovulation

• Sperm are viable for 48 to 72 hours after ejaculation

• Sperm cells must make their way to the uterine tube for fertilization to be possible


1. The sperm and egg join to form a zygote: the first cell of a new individual.

2. Zygote results of the fusion of DNA from sperm and egg3. Fertilization occurs in the Fallopian Tubes4. The zygote begins rapid mitotic cell division5. Beginning of human development


1. Still rapidly dividing2. The zygote floats down from the fallopian tube and towards the


Thirty hours after conceptionSize: no larger than the head of a pin only


Cleavage is the mitotic division of cells in the early embryo.First mitotic cell division by cleavage within 24 to 30 hours after fertilization,

About 96 hours after fertilization.This picture shows a MORULA, a solid ball of 16 or more cells that resembles a raspberry.



1. A ball of more that 64 cells surrounding a fluid-filled cavity (the blastocele) 2. Blastula is produced by the repeated mitotic division of a




Five days after fertilization



1. The fastening of the embryo to the wall of the uterus is called implantation

2. Implantation occurs 6 -7 days after fertilization3. Implantation takes places in the endometrium of the uterus. 4. Blastocyst is called embryo


The EmbryoThe Embryo

• The embryo is the developmental stage from the start of cleavage until the 8 week of pregnancy.

• The embryo first undergoes division without growth

• The embryo enters the uterus at the 16-cell state

• The embryo floats free in the uterus temporarily

• Uterine secretions are used for nourishment

Gastrulation involves a series of cell migrations to positions where they will form the three primary cell layers. 4 – 8 week of embryonic life,

•Ectoderm forms the outer layer. Ectoderm forms skin, hair, sweat glands, epithelium, brain and nervous system.•Endoderm forms the inner layer. The endoderm forms digestive, respiratory systems, liver, pancreas, all bladder, and endocrine glands such as thyroid and parathyroid glands. •Mesoderm forms the middle layer. The mesoderm forms body muscles, cartilage, bone, blood, reproductive system organs and kidneys



Development from Ovulation to Development from Ovulation to ImplantationImplantation

EMBRYO0.5 cms20 days after fertilization

•Embryo begins to form organs during the third week.•Cannot tell if it is human or other vertebrate. Tall visible.


The Zygote—Month 1

• Fertilized egg reaches the uterus and attaches itself to the uterus.

• Cell multiplication begins• Internal organs and circulatory system begins to form. • Cell Division takes place and at the end of two weeks the

zygote is the size of a pin-head• Heart begins to beat • Small bumps show the beginnings of arms and legs• Placenta develops, Mouth,lower jaw,and throat are


• Ears, nose and eyes not visible• Small arm and leg buds, backbone seen• Heart beats.


The Embryo—Month 2 • At 5 weeks the embryo is ¼ inch long • All major organ systems develop• The placenta and Umbilical Cord develop

• Placenta- The tissue that connects the sac around the unborn baby to the mother’s uterus

• Umbilical Cord- Tube that connects the baby to the placenta• Brings the baby nourishment and oxygen from the mother’s

blood• Takes away waster products

• Amniotic Fluid surrounds the baby• Face, and limbs take shape

• During the second month most of the major organ systems form, limb buds develop.

• Limbs distinct with fingers and toes bones begin to form, eyes far apart.

• The embryo becomes a fetus by the seventh week.



• All organ systems are formed by the end of the eighth week

• Activities of the fetus are growth and organ specialization.

• About 6 weeks baby heart can be decected.

• After 8 weeks baby is called fetus instead of an embryo.

Fetus at nine weeks3 cm long

The Fetus—Month 3• The fetus is about 1 inch long &weights about 1/30 of an

ounce.• Nostrils, mouth, lips, teeth buds, and eyelids form • Fingers and toes are almost complete • Eyelids are fused shut • Arms, legs, fingers, and toes have developed• All internal organs are present—but aren’t ready to function• The genital organs can be recognized as male or female


•Beginning the eighth week, the sexually neutral fetus activates gene pathways for sex determination, forming testes in XY fetuses and ovaries in XX fetuses. •External genitalia develop.

The Fetus—Month 4• Fetus is 3 inches long and weights 1 ounce, • Your baby is covered with a layer of thick, downy hair called

lanugo. • His heartbeat can be heard clearly. • This may be when you feel your baby's first kicks.


•Head enlarged, face has human feature.•The fetus increases in size during this trimester, and bony parts of the skeleton begin to form.•Fetal movements can be felt by the mother..

The Fetus—Month 5

•The Fetus is about 6 inches long and weighs 4-5 ounce. •A protective coating called vernix caseosa begins to form

on baby's skin. •Hair begins to grow on baby head and eyebrows appear•Organs keep maturing •Fetus is very active •The eyes can open and blink

Five Months

• The child can hear and recognize her mother's voice. Fingernails and fingerprints appear. Sex organs are visible. Using an ultrasound device, the doctor can tell if the child is a girl or a boy.

The Fetus—Month 6

• The fetus is 8-10 inches long and weighs ½ to 1 pound.• Your baby's lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, and he has

started breathing motions.• If you talk or sing, he can hear you.• Fat is starting to deposit under the skin

6 Months

The Fetus—Month 7

•Fetus is 10-12 inches long and weighs about 1-2 pounds. •Fetus is active and then rests. •The baby now uses the four senses of vision, hearing, taste and touch pain & light.

Seven Months

The Fetus—Month 8

• The fetus is 14-16 inches long and weighs 2-4 pounds • Fetus has probably turned head-down in preparation for

birth. • Fetus may react to noises with a jerking active.Baby is

kicking more,•Most internal systems are well developed, but the lungs

may still be immature.

Eight Month

The Fetus—Month 9

• Fetus is about 17-18 inches long and weighs 5-7 pounds • Skin is smooth because of the fat •Baby’s movement slows down due to lack of room •Disease fighting antibodies are taken from the mother’s blood•Nails on fingers and toes completely formed

Uterine malformation

•A uterine malformation is a type of female genital malformation resulting from an abnormal development of the Mullerian duct during embryogenesis. Symptoms range from amenorrhea, infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, and pain, to normal functioning depending on the nature of the defect.

Absent uterus (Mullerian agenesis)

This is extremely rare. It happens when the vagina does not form properly, or is very short. There may be a very

small uterus or none at all. This is usually picked up when a girl doesn't start her periods.

•When the time comes, it can also make sex very uncomfortable. The condition can be treated with surgery, The only way for a woman with agenesis to have a baby is

by surrogacy.

: Unicornuate uterus (a one-sided uterus). A unicornuate uterus is half the size of a

normal uterus and there is only one fallopian tube. It is a rare abnormality, It develops in the earliest stages of life, when the tissue that forms the uterus does not grow properly. A unicornuate uterus, you probably have two ovaries. Only one will be connected to uterus, though. It is perfectly possible to conceive. However, it does put you at greater risk of miscarriage.

Uterus Duplex (double uterus).

This is when the uterus has two inner cavities. Each cavity may lead to its own cervix and vagina, so there are two cervixes and two vaginas. It is uncommon, affecting about one in 350 women. It is possible to conceive if you have this type of abnormality.

Bicornuate uterus

Instead of being pear-shaped, this type of uterus is shaped like a heart, It is called a uterus with two horns, because of its shape. It's thought that fewer than one in two hundred women in the general population have a bicornuate uterus. It shouldn't affect your fertility, but you have a higher risk of miscarriage if you do conceive.

Septate uterus

This is where the inside of the uterus is divided by a muscular or fibrous wall, called the septum. About one in 45 women in the general population have a septate uterus. Partial septates are more common than complete septates. A septate uterus may make it more difficult for you to conceive and may increase your risk of miscarriage.


•The exact causes for uterine anomalies are not known, but it's generally thought that a combination of genetic and environmental causes are responsible. For example, a has been found in women whose mothers took the drug Diethylstilbestrol (DES) during their pregnancy. Because few women with an irregularly shaped uterus also have close relatives with the same problem.


•An incidence of uterine anomalies as low as 0.1% has been reported. Observations made at the time of delivery indicate an incidence of 2 to 3%. The most common uterine anomalies are the septate and bicornuate and double uteruses. The unicornuate uterus is the least common type.

Symptoms• In many cases a uterine anomaly causes no problems and in

fact may remain until menstruation begins or pregnancy is attempted. If a uterine anomaly such as bicornuate uterus results in a rudimentary uterine horn with no outlet, menstrual outflow will be obstructed. This can result in pain and/or a mass similar to endometriosis that gets worse during periods. A uterine anomaly may also be associated with dyspareunia and reproductive problems. These include: Infertility, ectopic pregnancy, recurrent miscarriage, premature delivery, intrauterine fetal growth restriction, abnormal fetal presentation – breech and transverse lies.


•Pelvic exam•Hysterosalpingogram•Ultrasound•MRI• Laparoscopy•Hysteroscopy

Treatment•Many uterine anomalies can be corrected surgically in

case of difficulties. Metroplasty is most often used to reshape the uterus. However, surgery is not indicated in every case.

A combines laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. This procedure greatly decreases the rate of miscarriage for women with this anomaly.


Aconitum napellus Great distress, moaning and restlessness; vulva, vagina and os dry, tender and undilatable; patient full of anxiety and fear, will never pass through the ordeal of labor, is sure to die; pains unnaturally violent and frequent, complains that she cannot breathe or bear the pains; hot sweat all over Arnica montana Fatigue of uterus, great flushing of face and heat of head during each pain, the rest of body being cool; violent pains to very little purpose; feeble pains, with constant desire to change position; great soreness of back during labor, with too great sensitiveness to pain; foetus lies crosswise, which makes the mother sore and restless, so that she feels bruised all over.

Belladonna Pains come on suddenly, with too quick bearing down, as if everything in the pelvis would be ejected, and pains disappear suddenly; spasmodic contraction of os, which is hot, tender, red and inclined to be moist (Acon., dry); os uteri thin and rigid (Gels., thick and rigid os); labor slow and tedious, feels off and on only a pressure on sacrum; drawing pains from small of back to thigh; hot face, throbbing headache; sensitive to noise, light, jarring of bed. Old maids in first delivery, muscles rigid Borax veneta Labor pains dart upward, head of child goes back; spasmodic, more violent in stomach than in uterus, accompanied by violent and frequent eructations; false labor-pains; oversensitive to noise. Caulophyllum thalictroides Extraordinary rigidity of os; pains like pricking of needles in cervix; severe spasmodic intermittent pains, without progress, from inharmonious action between fundus and cervix; drawing in uterine ligaments; spasmodic pains, flying from one place to another, but not going in the normal direction; nausea and spasmodic pains in stomach; patient so weak that she cannot develop normal pains, or pains flag from long continuance and exhaustion; profuse secretion of mucus from vagina; thirst and fever; false pains.

Causticum Spasmodic labor-pains with sore, distressing aching in the back; inertia uteri with great relaxation of the tissues and prostration, caused by debility from night-watchingChina officinalis Labor-pains cease from haemorrhage, cannot even have the hands touched during pain; atony of uterus, digging, tearing pains in uterus; desires to be fanned and to have fresh air; fainting and convulsions from loss of blood. Chloroformium No freedom from suffering between the pains; she complains much of her back or of extreme pain and tenderness over whole abdomen; very restless; cannot find rest in any position, tosses about and is very restless; protracted and severe labor from rigidity of os uteri; women subject to convulsions during labor, complete paralysis of sphincter vesicae after labor. Cimicifuga racemosa False labor-pains a few days or even weeks before labor sets in; nervous chills in the first stage of labor; spasmodic rigidity of os uteri; continuous tearing, distressing pains, during which the uterus seems to ascend; pains fly from side to side (Lyc., from right to left)

Gossypium herbaceum Lingering, almost painless labor, uterine contractions feeble and inefficient. Hyoscyamus niger Cold sweat, pale face, suffocating spells and convulsions during labor; facial muscles greatly agitated; spasms with much nervous irritability. Ignatia amara Labor-pains with sadness; trembling and languor of limbs.Lachesis mutus Fainting during labor, lies as if dead from cardiac syncope, especially when she had been previously sad and gloomy (Ign.). Nux moschata Pains false, weak; or spasmodic and irregular; drowsy, faint spells; pains slow, feeble or suppressed; chilly, pale face; restless; amel. when moving about. Phosphorus Tall and slender women of phthisical habit, pains distressing and of very little use; very weak and empty feeling in abdomen, sometimes with cutting pains.

Platinum metallicum Contractions interrupted by painful sensitiveness of os uteri, of vagina and of external genitals; labor-pains all on left side, painful, spasmodic, ineffectual; her thoughts horrify her. Pulsatilla pratensis Inertia of uterus (Arn., fatigue of uterus); pains slow, weak, ineffectual or spasmodic and irregular, exciting fainting, wants doors and windows open, fears to suffocate; chilliness and pale face; soreness of uterus and of abdominal walls (Ham.); it corrects malposition of the foetus by stimulating the action of the muscular walls of the womb Secale cornutum Thin and scrawny women with sallow complexion; labor weak and uterus flabby; strength of uterus weakened by too early or perverted efforts, sometimes a few weeks before regular labor sets in; during labor prolonged bearing down and forcing pains in uterus; pains irregular, too weak; feeble, distant or ceasing; everything seems loose and open, without action; fainting fits.Sepia officinalis Shuddering during pains, she wants to be covered; rigid os from induration (Natr. carb.) on neck of uterus; shooting pains in cervix, extending upward; dyspnoea; weak feeling in abdomen.

Aletris farinosa Prolapsus uteri from muscular atony; leucorrhoea from loss of fluids or defective nutrition; debility from protracted illness; obstinate indigestion, the least food distresses the stomach; fainting, with vertigo; extreme constipation, great effort being required to discharge faeces; great accumulation of frothy saliva; sterility from uterine atony; heavy, dragging pains about the hips; profuse, painful and premature menses; profuse leucorrhoea.Petroleum Applicable to all gastric troubles of pregnant women; vomiting of bile; aversion to fat food and meat; aggr. when riding in carriage; dizziness and stupefaction after a slight meal; dimness of sight; constant and profuse collection of fluid in mouth, with frequent spitting and nausea; diarrhoea only in daytime.

