Our Prescription/Drug Cost is Out of Control


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Major Effort To Cut Drug Prices For Consumers.

• One in four Americans have a family member who didn’t fill a prescription because they couldn’t afford it.

• According to a poll by Kaiser Family Foundation, 75% of Americans believe that lowering drug prices for essential medication should be Congress’s top priority.

• Yet our lawmakers continue to do nothing and the problem only gets worse.• In the last year, state and federal budgets strained to pay $88,000 for each 12

week treatment for Hepatitis C. Many individuals simply went without.• Pharmaceutical companies are acting more and more like Wall Street banks.

The poster boy for their greed is “pharma-bro” Martin Shkreli, who smirked and eye-rolled his way through a Congressional hearing. He refused to explain why he raised the price of the only effective drug for toxoplasmosis by 4000%.


Our drug costs are out of control.• In 2014, the cost of prescription drugs in the United States skyrocketed by 12

percent. In that same year, 20 percent of the population - or 35 million people - did not fill a prescription because they could not afford it.

• The Big Pharma's price-gouging is hurting seniors and working families.• Draw a clear distinction between the Democratic and Republican plans to

deal with pharmaceutical price gouging for Profits while American families pay through the NOSE.

•  Stop direct-to-consumer drug company advertising subsidies (tax breaks), and reinvest funds in research.

• Limit out-of-pocket spending and demand value.• Cap monthly and annual out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs.• Increase competition for prescription drugs, including specialty drugs.• Prohibit "pay for delay" arrangements.• Require drug companies that benefit from taxpayers' support to invest in research,

not marketing.• Ensure new drugs provide value rather than adding to cost without improving

treatments and outcomes.• Require higher rebates for prescription drugs in Medicare.• Allow Medicare to negotiate drug and biologic prices.• Introduce generic competition with expensive drug patent monopolies (under

government use and march-in powers).• Penalize pharmaceutical companies for excessive year-to-year price hikes.






Who We AreSocial Security Works leads the fight every day to expand and protect our Social Security system.

Social Security WorksThe Book

From co-founders Nancy Altman & Eric Kingson, this book makes the powerful case that Social Security isn’t going broke and how expanding it will help us all.


Social Security Works was founded in 2010 to fight back against the phony Washington consensus that Social Security benefit cuts were inevitable – the only question was how big the cuts would be.We know the American people are on our side. In fact, polling shows that 79% of likely voters – Democrats, Republicans and Independents – support expanding Social Security benefits and paying for it by asking the wealthy to pay their fair share. And when we do, we’ll be able to increase benefits for millions of Americans and extend the lifespan of the Social Security trust fund.












