Oral Sedation Dentistry Checklist


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While some patients prefer IV sedation, oral sedation has

become the more popular choice to relieve dental anxiety. If

you’re interested in dental sedation follow this Oral

Sedation Dentistry Checklist to help you prepare for your

next appointment!

Don’t let dental anxiety keep you from visiting the dentist.

Talk to your dentist to see if oral sedation is right for you

and keep these tips in mind for your next appointment so you

can stay fear free!

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Be Prepared to Take Time Off Work

Review Health History with Your Dentist

Most dentist will allow you to take the pill yourself the night before your

appointment. If that’s the case, you want to give yourself plenty of time

to rest. Make sure not to eat or drink anything at least six hours before

your appointment unless you’ve been given permission by your dentist.

Depending on how long the procedure is, you will want to

prepare to take at least half a day or in some cases a whole day

off of work to fully recover.

Not sure if oral sedation is right for you? If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms you may qualify:

Make sure to be transparent about your overall health history and

let your dentist know what medications you are currently taking.

Stay away from taking other depressents or consuming alcohol prior

to your appointment as it can alter the effectiveness of the

medication. If you’re smoking or diabetic, it may affect your

arrangements before or a�er your appointment.

Make Transportation Arrangements

If you take medication the night before, you’re going to feel

groggy before and a�er the appointment. You will most likely not

be cognitively aware enough to drive, so make sure you’ve made

arrangements with a friend or family member to get you to and

from the dentist.

• Having a feeling of extreme fear of the dentist

• Having a strong gag reflex

• Not being able to stay still in the dental chair because of anxiety

• Having a high tolerance to numbing medication like novocaine or local anesthetics

• Patients who are afraid of needles and do not want to be IV sedated

• Repeatedly canceling dentist appointments

• Patients needing a series of treatments done in one visit

Is Oral Sedation Right For You?
