Nubody Concepts Winter Skin Care



With winter here check out these friendly skin care tips from NuBody Concepts.

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Dry winter time skin


Tips and Tricks To Keep Skin Healthy This Winter

Healthy winter skin

IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN… Yes, you guessed right, it is officially winter! While winter generally brings times of happiness and joy, it can

also bring uncomfortable irritation. Not because you are stuck with a family member you don’t like,

but because your skin is getting dry. Often times, cool dry winter air tends to dry out your skin and

more importantly your skin oils. Without these essential skin oils, your skin is left unprotected To combat this, make a few of these simple changes to your

skin care regimen to leave your skin healthy and moisturized all winter long…

CUT DOWN ON EXFOLIANTS One thing you are going to want to avoid is the overuse of

exfoliants. Generally speaking, exfoliants are an important part of keeping

your skin looking healthy and resolving skin problems such as blemishes, post-breakout red marks, clogged pores, etc…

However, many skin care cleansers contain chemicals such as hydroxyl acid which tends to dry out skin.

These chemicals tend to leave your skin unprotected from the cold dry winter air which tends to cause irritation

To avoid this…. Resist from using chemical heavy exfoliants. Turn to gentle cleansers that are known to moisturize and hydrate skin.

Women moisturizing skin

MOISTURIZE CORRECTLY! In the winter, you simply can’t moisturize enough! While the concept of moisturizing your skin is

simple, many people don’t know when they should be applying.

Skin care professionals agree that the optimal time to moisturize your skin is while it is still damp. This allows for the moisturizer to be effectively absorbed

into the skin. By being fully absorbed, you will be protecting your skin’s

natural oils and thus reducing the chance of dry skin or irritation.


Besides hurting your wallet, those long hot showers also hurt your skin.

The hot water and steam tends to soften up natural skin oils.

Throw in a little soap and you are effectively cleaning your skin’s barrier right off.

Instead, when showering, try and keep your showers to 5-7 minutes respectively. Also try and using moisturizing body washes and soaps to

further protect your skin.

Different types of sunscreen


Even though summer is long gone, its no excuse to stop applying sunscreen.

Almost all doctors and skin professionals agree that sunscreen should be applied at all times regardless of season.

While there is no need to be rushing to the store to get a bottle of SPF 100, you should be wearing something in the SPF 15 range.

An easy way to do this is purchase moisturizers or makeup that already contains sunscreen.

This will not only help take off a step in your daily skin regimen, but it will also make it so you never forget!

Women with healthy skin


While it doesn’t take much to care for your skin in the winter, it is still extremely important.

Simply by: Reducing your use of exfoliants Moisturizing Cutting down on hot showers Using Sunscreen

You can keep your skin healthy all year round For more information regarding skincare please

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