New technology of hair transplant


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New Technology of Hair Transplant


Basically hair transplant is a surgically procedure used to treat baldness and hair loss.

Hair follicles from donor part is move to the recipient part.

Hair transplant ??

Male Pattern Baldness

Female Pattern Baldness

There are many method now a days used to transplant follicles like:

FUE (follicular unit extraction) FUT (follicular unit transplant) Strip

But we are using Perfect-I, Why it is better than all, we are discussing it in next.

Method of Hair Transplantation

It stands for Permanent and Real-time Follicular Extraction and Implantation.

Latest innovation by MedLinks. In this technique follicles are harvested one

by one just like FUE but in Perfect-I there is no storage of follicles.

Harvested follicles are implanted immediately with in 3-5 minutes.


Many research show that each hour of storage approximately 2% graft death.

It can be even more if storage time increase to 6 hours.

In perfect-I, no follicles is Death. Its results are best and soon as compared to

other technique.

How it is Better than All?

Before and After

Before and After

Before and After

Before and After

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