Mnemonics of cardiology


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.::In The Name Of Allah , The Most Gracious The Most Merciful::..

Rapid Revision In Medicine By Tanta

Doctors Group®.:: Mnemonics Of Cardiology ::.

Tanta Doctors Group®

The Exorcist MiDoDr.ShaboMania™

Aortic stenosis characteristics SAD:SyncopeAnginaDyspnoea

MI: basic management BOOMAR:Bed restOxygenOpiateMonitorAnticoagulateReduce clot size

Pericarditis: causes CARDIAC RIND:Collagen vascular diseaseAortic aneurysmRadiationDrugs (such as hydralazine)InfectionsAcute renal failureCardiac infarctionRheumatic feverInjuryNeoplasmsDressler's syndrome

MI: signs and symptoms PULSE:Persistent chest painsUpset stomachLightheadednessShortness of breathExcessive sweating

Heart compensatory mechanisms that 'save' organ blood flow during shock "Heart SAVER":Symphatoadrenal systemAtrial natriuretic factor

VasopressinEndogenous digitalis-like factorRenin-angiotensin-aldosterone system· In all 5, system is activated/factor is released

Murmurs: right vs. left loudness "RILE":Right sided heart murmurs are louder on Inspiration.Left sided heart murmurs are loudest on Expiration.· If get confused about which is which, remember LIRE=liar which will be inherently false.

ST elevation causes in ECG, ELEVATION:ElectrolytesLBBBEarly repolarizationVentricular hypertrophyAneurysmTreatment (eg pericardiocentesis)Injury (AMI, contusion)Osborne waves (hypothermia)Non-occlusive vasospasm

Beck's triad (cardiac tamponade) 3 D's:Distant heart soundsDistended jugular veinsDecreased arterial pressure


MI: therapeutic treatment ROAMBAL:ReassureOxygenAspirinMorphine (diamorphine)Beta blockerArthroplastyLignocaine

CHF: causes of exacerbation FAILURE:Forgot medicationArrhythmia/ AnaemiaIschemia/ Infarction/ InfectionLifestyle: taken too much saltUpregulation of CO: pregnancy, hyperthyroidismRenal failureEmbolism: pulmonary

Pericarditis: EKG "PericarditiS":PR depression in precordial leads.ST elevation.

Jugular venous pressure (JVP) elevation: causes HOLT: Grab Harold Holt around the neck and throw him in the ocean:Heart failureObstruction of venea cavaLymphatic enlargement - supraclavicularIntra-Thoracic pressure increase

Depressed ST-segment: causes DEPRESSED ST:Drooping valve (MVP)Enlargement of LV with strainPotassium loss (hypokalemia)Reciprocal ST- depression (in I/W AMI)Embolism in lungs (pulmonary embolism)Subendocardial ischemiaSubendocardial infarctEncephalon haemorrhage (intracranial haemorrhage)Dilated cardiomyopathyShockToxicity of digitalis, quinidine

Murmurs: innocent murmur features 8 S's:SoftSystolicShortSounds (S1 & S2) normalSymptomlessSpecial tests normal (X-ray, EKG)Standing/ Sitting (vary with position)Sternal depression

Murmur attributes "IL PQRST" (person has ill PQRST heart waves):IntensityLocationPitchQualityRadiationShapeTiming

Murmurs: locations and descriptions "MRS A$$":MRS: Mitral Regurgitation--SystolicA$$: Aortic Stenosis--Systolic· The other two murmurs, Mitral stenosis and Aortic regurgitation, are obviously diastolic.

Betablockers: cardioselective betablockers "Betablockers Acting Exclusively At Myocardium"· Cardioselective betablockers are:BetaxololAcebutelolEsmololAtenololMetoprolol

Apex beat: abnormalities found on palpation, causes of impalpable HILT:HeavingImpalpableLaterally displacedThrusting/ Tapping· If it is impalpable, causes are COPD:COPDObesityPleural, Pericardial effusionDextrocardia

MI: treatment of acute MI COAG:CyclomorphOxygenAspirinGlycerol trinitrate

Coronary artery bypass graft: indications DUST:Depressed ventricular functionUnstable anginaStenosis of the left main stemTriple vessel disease

Supraventricular tachycardia: treatment ABCDE:AdenosineBeta-blockerCalcium channel antagonistDigoxinExcitation (vagal stimulation)

Ventricular tachycardia: treatment LAMB:LidocaineAmiodaroneMexiltene/ MagnesiumBeta-blocker

Sinus bradycardia: aetiology "SINUS BRADICARDIA"

(sinus bradycardia):SleepInfections (myocarditis)Neap thyroid (hypothyroid)Unconsciousness (vasovagal syncope)Subnormal temperatures (hypothermia)Biliary obstructionRaised CO2 (hypercapnia)AcidosisDeficient blood sugar (hypoglycemia)Imbalance of electrolytesCushing's reflex (raised ICP)AgingRx (drugs, such as high-dose atropine)Deep anaesthesiaIschemic heart diseaseAthletes

Rheumatic fever: Jones criteria · Major criteria: CANCER:CarditisArthritisNodulesChoreaErythemaRheumatic anamnesis· Minor criteria: CAFE PAL:CRP increasedArthralgiaFeverElevated ESRProlonged PR intervalAnamnesis of rheumatismLeucocytosis

JVP: wave form ASK ME:

Atrial contractionSystole (ventricular contraction)Klosure (closure) of tricusps, so atrial fillingMaximal atrial fillingEmptying of atrium

ECG: T wave inversion causes INVERT:IschemiaNormality [esp. young, black]Ventricular hypertrophyEctopic foci [eg calcified plaques]RBBB, LBBBTreatments [digoxin]

Myocardial infarctions: treatment INFARCTIONS:IV accessNarcotic analgesics (eg morphine, pethidine)Facilities for defibrillation (DF)Aspirin/ Anticoagulant (heparin)RestConverting enzyme inhibitorThrombolysisIV beta blockerOxygen 60%NitratesStool Softeners

Atrial fibrillation: causes PIRATES:Pulmonary: PE, COPD

IatrogenicRheumatic heart: mirtral regurgitationAtherosclerotic: MI, CADThyroid: hyperthyroidEndocarditisSick sinus syndrome

Atrial fibrillation: management ABCD:Anti-coagulateBeta-block to control rateCardiovert Digoxin

Anti-arrythmics: for AV nodes "Do Block AV":DigoxinB-blockersAdenosineVerapamil

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