Mind Walls



Mental health has been hidden behind a curtain of stigma and discrimination for too long. Worldwide 460 million people suffer from mind problems. We are talking about something very huge and something what is very near to us. It is about you and me! And it is about what we can do about it. Right now!

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Dr. V.P. Mohana Kumari Ing. Cornelis J.M. Peters Vighnesh M. Peters


Mental health has been hidden behind a curtain of stigma and discrimination for too long.

Defenition mental health

State of well-being enabling individuals to realize their abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and make a contribution to their



We are living in a time where discoveries are made on an unbelievable vast scale in an unbelievable fast speed.

Never before in history people are getting so much information and go through so many changes as in our present time.

Our senses are continuously stimulated by triggers from outside.

World and man are imbalanced

Psychological problems in NL

Our present society shows an alarming increase of psychological problems at people from all layers of society.

Recent articles in newspapers show that one in three Dutch people suffer from mind problems sooner or later.

Every primary school in the Netherlands needs a psychiatrist to deal with the children.

Magnitude of this Wordlwide

450 million people suffer from a mental disorder.

1 million people commit suicide every year. One in four families has at least one member

with a mental disorder. Last but not least: enormous emotional as

well as financial burden on individuals, their families and society as a whole.

1 in 5 Americans had mental illness in 2011

Facts and Figures

There is an enormous gap between the need for treatment of mental disorders and the resources available.

In developed countries with well organized health care systems, between 44% and 70% of patients with mental disorders do not receive treatment.

In developing countries the figures are even more startling, with the treatment gap being close to 90%.

Yosjapasmaram – hysterical attack

Unmada - schizophrenia

Facts and Figures

The cost of mental health problems in developed countries is estimated to be between 3% and 4% of GNP.

However, mental disorders cost national economies several billion dollars, both in terms of expenditures incurred and loss of productivity.

Source: WHO

Source: WHO

Facts and Figures

Mental health has been hidden behind a curtain of stigma and discrimination for too long.

The magnitude, suffering and burden in terms of disability and costs for individuals, families and societies are staggering.

We need to enhance our investment in mental health substantially and we need to do it now.

Facts and Figures

According to the World Health Organization (WHO as much as 80% of the world’s population depend on traditional medicine and traditional healers for their primary healthcare needs.

Use of traditional medicine

Developing countries Developed countries

Source: WHO


All countries,

need to establish specifically targeted policies, plans and initiatives to promote and support mental health.

promote policy recommendations that incorporates traditional medicine into the nation’s health care system.

What we can expect

greater financial returns from increased productivity. lower net costs of illness and care. savings in other sector outlays. services that are more effective, less costly

and more humane.

What we can expect

treatments that help them avoid chronic disability and premature death.

support that gives them a life that is healthier and richer.

a life lived with dignity.

It is about you and me!

Mental health should be a concern for all of us, rather than only for those who suffer from a mental disorder.

Let us introduce ourselves:

Ing. Cornelis Peters Dr. V.P. Mohana Kumari Vighnesh M. Peters


We live our dream

We planted herbs for mind diseases in our botanical garden in Kerala, India.

We work closely together with medicine people from Kerala, India.

We plant herbs that are on the red list of extinction to safeguard them from dissappearing from the earth.

We started an International Open University for Tradional Ayurveda and Siddha medicines.

We live our dream

We bought a piece of 8 ha land in the Netherlands and made it our health centre.

In this health centre we established an ayurveda clinic. Behind the health centre itself we installed a

beautiful garden according to Vastu design rules. There we grow our own herbs in an ayurvedic way. We make ayurveda products from these herbs in

a traditional way.

We live our dream

We have specialized in the treatment of mental health disorders based on ayurveda.

We cooperate in research with Wageningen University regarding our herbal medicines.

We made a (first) film about mental problems called 'Mind Walls' to create awareness of this worldwide problem, that will be followed by other films about this subject.

Botanical garden in India

Botanical garden for mind diseases in Kerala, India.

Mohana with medicinal plants

Botanical garden for mind- diseases in Kerala, India.

Cor working with Vaidya

Cor working with medicine people in Kerala, India.

Arial view health centre NL

The health centre in the Netherlands with garden according to Vastu design rules.

Ayurveda clinic - Bhuta Vidya

Since 1998, we have specialized in the treatment of mental health disorders in NL.

Herbal garden

We grow our herbs in the traditional Indian farming method without pesticides.

Ayurveda products

We use ancient Ayurveda methods to make natural healing products.

Research with Wageningen UR

With scientist from ten different countries we do research in our herbal products.

Making the film Mind Walls

We made a film about mental diseases from the Ayurveda point of view.

Premiere Tuschinski Amsterdam

Premiere of the film Mind Walls on 17 december 2011

To continue our work we need:

Tissue culture lab in our botanical garden in India for the micropropagation of endangered medicinal plants and nutritious food plant items for mental health. (estimated 250.000$)

Greenhouse for protecting the medicinal plants and nutritious food plant items in winter in the Netherlands. (estimated 260.000$)

To continue our work we need:

In Kerala there is not much land left for agriculture because of the overpopulation.

For that reason we selected the Netherlands with plenty of good agricultural land for medicinal plantation.

Tissue culture in India and the replant in the Netherlands.

Production of herbal mind medicines and nutritious food plant items in the Netherlands.







