Lung cancer


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Little Unknown Facts

Affects millions of people every year.

Leads the cause of cancer death for men and women.

You can get lung cancer without smoking

Causes of Lung Cancer

85% of lung cancer is caused by cigarettes.



People who smoke have a 20 times more chance to get cancer then nonsmokers.

Lung Cancer’s Targets

Both men and women

Mostly people over the age of 21

Daily Smokers

Rare, but kids can also get this cancer

Incubation Period

The period can vary

Can be weeks or even years

People get x-rays for other reasons when they find out that they have lung cancer

A lot of people have lung cancer and they don’t even know they have it.

Signs and Symptoms

Can be affected by the lung tumor of even other tumors all over the body.


Coughing up blood

Shortness of breath

Chest pains


Could be a very long process

Chest x-rays

Cat scan on the chest

Lung biopsy to see if the tumor is cancerous

General Information

Chronic; signs might not show up for years

Not communicable; can not get the cancer being around someone who has it.

Once you get the cancer, you can get rid of it but you can also get it back

Is it Preventable?

Lung cancer is the most preventable cancer in the world.

The main way how you can protect it is if you do not smoke.

Stay away from smokers since you can get second hand smoke

Treatment Process

Long and very painful process

Rounds of chemo and radiation

Makes people very tired, weak, and sick

Lung cancer is a terminal disease which kills and affects millions of people every year.

Pictures of Smoker’s Lungs
