Low-Carb Diet and Cognitive Function


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Low-Carb Diet and Cognitive Function

By: Maurice Prout

Low-Carb Diet and Cognitive Function

Maurice Prout is a psychology practitioner and one of the founding fellows of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. He holds a professorship at Widener University, where he serves as a teacher and supervisor of PsyD students. A health conscious individual, Maurice Prout enjoys cooking and eating low-carb foods.

Low-Carb Diet and Cognitive Function

Low-carb diets are known for helping people lose weight fast. By reducing glucose intake, these diets force the body to burn stored fat as a source of energy, thus initiating weight loss. However, research suggests that low carb diets may have more benefits to the body than weight loss.

Low-Carb Diet and Cognitive Function

One of these is the improvement of cognitive function. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Physiology found that a diet high in sugar and low in healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids yielded lower cognitive scores. High levels of glucose in the brain can result in insulin resistance, a phenomenon demonstrated by decreased blood flow to the brain. This decreased blood flow affects brain plasticity or the brain's ability to reorganize itself when learning new things.
