Journey of Hope For HG


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--Journey Of Hope For HG Sufferers--Helping To Pave The Way For HG Sufferers And Their Families One Step At A Time.

Why Are We Doing This?

For these women and many more

Some of us have been told we must not REALLY want our children.

And this is IF she can even take any oral medication.

We Need You to Believe…

We Do Love Our Children and will fight to bring them into this world.

Do We Let this Happen?

Or Do We Fight Back?

How will we make ourselves heard?

We Write…

Thank you Ashli McCall for your generous donation, and writing ‘Beyond Morning Sickness’.

We Walk…

We Paint…

We will do whatever is necessary,

To Make people aware,

And Hope People Listen

To Get the Help We Need.

Please Help Us Spread the Word.

She Thanks You…

I Thank You…

The loving partners thank you…

The Families thank you…

We thank the HER Foundation…

Thank you Kimber, Dr. Phil, Anne Marie and Jeremy. We would have had NOWHERE to turn if it wasn’t for you.

And Motherisk NVP Helpline.

They Will Walk for others…

He Will Walk for me…

And I Will Walk For Her…

So This Never Happens Again…

“If you cannot eat for a week or longer, get help right away. My wife did not have to die from HG, and neither should anybody else.” – George Giani lost his wife, Maria, on November 25th, 2005.

And if we all Spread the Word…

We Will get the much needed help we are desperate for.

So She Can Have This…

She nearly had to have a blood transfusion.

These are not ‘normal’ pregnancies.

“I lost 40 pounds in 3 ½ months.”

Soda crackers andginger ale is NOT the cure.

“At One point my mother was taken aside and was told to say goodbye to me.”

- Opal Schumacher

What these women go through can easily be compared to torture.

And there is very little support and understanding.

But with each step we take, we give Hope…
