In favor of raw organic cows milk



A presentation made for an organic cow dairy who wanted to put together something they could email their clients before they went for a meeting...

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Antibiotics70% of all antibiotics are given to healthy livestock and create antibiotic resistant bacteria that are passed on to humans in milk

HormonesInjected into dairy cattle, hormones to increase milk production make their way into milk and into our bodies

PasteurizationHeating the milk to 280 °F kills many heat sensitive enzymes and vitamins which make milk a whole food

HomogenizationYou absorb more milk-fat from homogenized milk than you do from pure cream!


Heating milk to upto 280 °F kills most, if not all, resident micro-organisms (including beneficial ones that aid in its digestion) and many nutritional constituents.

Check it out for yourself – Raw milk Vs. pasteurized milk

Amino acids: all 22 amino acids, including 8 that are essential.

Protein-lysine and tyrosine are altered by heat with serious loss of metabolic availability. This results in making the whole protein complex less available for tissue repair and rebuilding.

Fatty acids: All 18 fatty acids metabolically available.

Altered by heat, especially the 10 essential unsaturated fats.

Vitamins: All 100% available. Among the fat-soluble vitamins, some are classed as unstable and therefore a loss is caused by heating above blood temperature. This loss Vitamin A, D, E and F can run as high as 66%. Vitamin C loss usually exceeds 50%. Losses on water-soluble vitamins are affected by heat and can run from 38% to 80%.

Carbohydrates: Easily utilized in metabolism. Still associated naturally with elements.

Tests indicate that heat has made some changes making elements less available metabolically.

Minerals: All 100% metabolically available. Major mineral components are calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulphur. Vital trace minerals, all 24 or more, 100% available.

Calcium is altered by heat and loss in metabolism may run 50% or more, depending on pasteurization temperature. Losses in other essential minerals, because one mineral usually acts synergistically with another element There is a loss of enzymes that serve as leaders in assimilation minerals.

Beneficial bacteria: Bacteria growth in Raw Milk increases very slowly, because of the friendly acid-forming bacteria (nature's antiseptic) retards the growth of invading organisms (bacteria).

Pasteurization refers to the process of heating every particle of milk to at least 145 F. and holding at such temperature for at least 15 seconds. Pasteurizing does not remove dirt, bacterially-produced toxins from milk

Homogenization Tiny fragments of fat easily pass

through the digestive tract increasing the amount of denatured fat and cholesterol in the body

Such denatured milk does not deliver sufficient calcium to prevent osteoporosis. American women, who consume great quantities of pasteurized milk products, suffer the world's highest incidence of osteoporosis. 

Cream does not rise to the top and you cannot make other cream based products like ghee and butter etc.

Check it out for yourself

Under pressure of 2500 pounds per square inch, at a speed of 600 feet per second, milk is passed fine filters to break up the fat particles

Fresh raw milk Vs Packaged milk

Direct from the farm: Buying milk directly from the farm typically means getting milk that is hours old at most, and if properly refrigerated, will keep 8 days

Through a circuitous route: much-handled pasteurized packaged milk purchased in a supermarket will last 5-6 days

Hygienic milk: Raw milk providers must exercise sanitation on the farm, and rear healthier herds thus the milk you get is fresh and hygienic

Unhealthy milk made safe: The pasteurization process & antibiotics enable the milk industry to raise cows in cheap, unhealthy conditions

Source & purity guaranteed: With fresh milk you can be sure of the origins of the milk…and the purity of the milk

Unknown source: Packaged milk can come from any source…be it cows, buffaloes, goats. It could also be urea mixed with water for that matter…

Bio-available nutrients: The vitamins as well as fatty acids in fresh raw milk are available for absorption by the body.

Synthetic nutrients: Some nutrients which are destroyed by pasteurization are added again in the synthetic forms. Others are just destroyed.


Check it out for yourself - Anti-biotic use in livestock may be contributing to resistant bacteria

Bacteria like Bovine TB and Staph become resistant with repeated anti-biotic use and are passed on to milk and thereafter to humans

Anti-biotic use also kills the benficial probiotic bacteria in milk that is such a boon to the human digestive tract

The only way to save this is to test cattle once in every three months and to keep them isolated from other cattle who may carry the bacteria

Cows and buffaloes are repeatedly injected with antibiotics to prevent infection because in large scale dairies cattle have to stay together under one roof

Hormones rBGH milk is contaminated by pus

from mastitis induced by rBGH

rBGH milk is contaminated by the GE hormone which can be absorbed through the gut and induce immunological defects

rBGH milk is chemically and nutritionally lower in quality from natural milk

rBGH milk is supercharged with high levels of a natural growth factor (IGF-1), excess levels of which have been incriminated as major causes of breast, colon, and prostate cancers

Check it out for yourself

Cattle is given hormones to boost milk production upto 40%...and to induce lactation without reproduction thus making them product milk year round

Organic raw milk Vs Induced milk

Hygienic cows: Normal healthy cows when kept in hygienic conditions do not develop infections that easily.

Infected cows: Cows injected with rBGH have a much higher level of udder infections and require more antibiotics. This leaves unacceptable levels of antibiotic residues in the milk.

Absence of infection: Use of antibiotics on an as needed basis, periodic testing, and isolation of infected cattle can prevent antibiotic resistance from developing

Antibiotic use: Indiscriminate or prolonged use of antibiotics can destroy normal body bacteria, depress the immune system and create antibiotic resistant pathogens

Healthy milk: Milk produced as a part of a healthy reproductive cycle contains the ideal mix of ingredients for absorption. It is produced in the ideal amounts and the quality is ideal.

Low quality milk: Forced or induced milk does not contain the natural and ideal mix of nutrients which are bio available to the body. It is low quality high quantity milk

• Buffalo milk is commercially more viable than cow milk for the manufacture of fat-based based milk products, such as butter, ghee and milk powders because of its lower water content and higher fat content.

• By the virtue of greater opacity of casein molecules, coupled with higher levels of colloidal proteins, calcium and phosphorus, buffalo milk is more densely white and has superior whitening properties as compared to cow milk.

Better butter: This is very beneficial for the body. It increases virility and sexual power, improves the complexion of the body and checks loose motion. It also cures piles, flatulence and coughs. It cures all the diseases related with excessive wind and bile in the body, impurities of the blood etc. This butter is considered as the best.

Heavy butter: Butter made from buffalo milk is heavy and causes the formation of excessive wind and phelgm in the body, but eliminates excessive bile. It is beneficial in inflammation and tiredness. It helps in accumulation of fat and seen in the body. This butter is heavy, so it takes a little long time to get digested as compared to the butter made from cow's milk.

Medicinal ghee: Ghee prepared from cow's milk is good for the eyes, sweet, heavy and strength giving. It increases virility copulating power and appetite. It eliminates all the three flaws of phelgm, wind and bile in the body. It also increases the intelligence, capabilities, and radiance.

Fatty ghee: It is sweet and cool. It causes the formation of excessive phelgm in the body, eliminates plethora, flatulence and blood impurities. It increases virility.

Cow’s milk Cow milk has amino acids which makes its protein easily digestible and is good for


It is a rich source of Vitamins like B2, B3 and A which help increasing immunity.

Cow milk helps in reducing acidity a common problem today and reduces chances of peptic ulcer and help in reducing chances of colon, breast and skin cancer.

Cow milk helps in reducing formation of serum cholesterol and is one of the best natural anti-oxidants.

Cow milk has Potassium which helps in the development of healthy mind and saves from heart strokes.

Cow milk not only help against diabetes but has good sugar for diabetic patients. Low fat content helps one keep fit and checks obesity.

Calcium and Phosphorus in Cow milk help in balanced absorption of nutrients and are good for healthy growth specially for children..

Check it out for yourself

Cow milk Vs. Buffalo Milk

Also check out: If you make the decision in favor of fresh,

organic cows milk. Please call Saazid Singha at 9811799439
