Important Gout Remedies


DESCRIPTION There are many different gout remedies available to the gout patient. The one you choose will depend on your doctor’s advice and also your own preferences.

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Important Gout Remedies

There are many different gout remedies available to the gout patient.

The one you choose will depend on your doctor’s advice and also your

own preferences.

Gout attacks start when the uric acid level in the blood becomes too high, leading to the

formation of urate crystals that get deposited in the soft tissues around the joints in the body.

The body reacts to these crystals by flooding the affected area with inflammatory cells.

This is what you see and feel when a gout attack starts.

Usually a gout attack starts as a numbing sensation and progresses into throbbing pain

accompanied by tenderness, soreness and swelling around the joint under attack.

During the peak of an attack the patient experiences a very high level of discomfort and becomes unable to use the joint under attack.

The attack can be brought under control using simple natural gout remedies

or by opting for prescription medication, or a combination of both.

Regardless of your preference, you need to seek out gout remedies to take care of

two separate problems.

The first priority is to reduce the pain and swelling around the affected joint,

but you should also be looking to prevent the recurrence of gout attacks in the future.

Often, when you are experiencing acute gout attacks, you doctor will often put you on

non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs which act on the inflammation, bringing it down

in a short period of time.

The reduced inflammation leads to reduced pain as well.

Although one of the most effective gout remedies, it is known to affect

some people quite badly.

In particular it can cause stomach problems such as ulcers.

You doctor may also prescribe medication to help with the treatment of the underlying

conditions that cause gout.

Allopurinol is a commonly prescribed medication that limits the body’s ability to accumulate uric acid, but there are

several others as well.

All of these drugs for the long term treatment of gout must be taken on a regular basis for a

long time, perhaps for the rest of your life.

Unfortunately these medicines are known to also have potential side effects such as skin

reactions, nausea and vomiting.

Also many people are coming to the realization that western medicine is not

necessarily the best answer.

These days more people are trying out natural or herbal gout remedies and fortunately

there are many types of effective natural and herbal products that can relieve you of your gout

pain without the side effects or long term effects of taking medication.

Natural gout remedies include cold cabbage leaves placed directly on

the affected joint to reduce the swelling, and drinking baking soda mixed with water

to help offset the uric acid.

Many herbs are thought to be good for gout including hawthorn, devils claw,

hyssop and juniper.

Parsley is also considered to be useful for gout patients.

As well as specific gout remedies, many gout sufferers can reduce or eliminate their

problems simply by modifying their diet.

In fact diet is one of the best gout remedies around!

Once you understand the importance of diet in gout you can easily win the war against gout.

You need to have a diet low in purines.

Purines are found in many meat products, but more so in offal such as liver and kidney.

Some seafoods are also particularly high in purine.

A low fat diet is important also, since obese people are significantly more likely to get gout.

You must also drink plenty of water.

Take the time to learn about the gout risk factors and the simple gout remedies available.

If you leave your gout without treatment there is a very high chance that your gout

is going to get a lot worse over time.

It’s not worth the risk!

For more details and information to get rid of gout forever,

