Human Development:Old Age


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Human Development


What is AGING?

• Aging is a continuous, complex, and dynamic process that begins with birth and ends with death

• unless we die, each of us will grow old and experience the effects of aging

The Aging Process

• cumulative changes in an organism, organ, tissue or cell leading to a decrease in functional capacity

• associated with degenerative changes in the skin, bones, heart, blood vessels, lungs, nerves, and other organs and tissues

• governed by genes that bring out an overall change in the physical make up of the body

Factors affecting Aging

1. Body creates non-functional cells leading to more rapid deterioration

2. Cellular damage that causes the shortening of DNA, triggers a process called apoptosis also known as programmed cell death

3. Cellular down regulation of our natural oxidative enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and catalase making antioxidants defenses less efficient as we age


•   the study of aging processes and individuals as they grow from middle age through later life and older adults

• it is a “Multidisciplinary” field, concerning the physical, mental, and social aspects of life

• concerned with the changes that occur between maturity and death and with the factors that influence these changes


• the study of health and disease in later life• deals with prevention and

treatment of diseases once assumed to be inevitable in the elderly• aims to promote health and to

prevent and to treat diseases and disabilities in older adults

Trends in the Longevity of Life Life

• Healthy Nutrition Tips

-Studies about the healthiest and longest-living elderly show that these individuals have moderate diets comprised of mainly fresh vegetables and herbs, along with whole grains and small amounts of meats and fats. This is an obvious nutrition ideal for many, but for seniors, changing nutritional needs make it even more important to choose healthy foods.

• Many elderly individuals take medications that can affect nutrient intake. It's a good idea for all seniors to talk with their doctors about diet once a year. A doctor can help seniors to sort out which medications may deplete vitamins or lesson nutrient absorption.

• An often overlooked point when it comes to proper senior nutrition is company while dining. Elderly individuals who always eat alone often eat quickly and more irregularly than seniors who eat with friends and family.

• Family and Community Interaction

- Improving daily life for seniors can be as easy as inclusion. A common variable among long-living seniors is that all of these seniors live in areas that consider family and community important. Integration of the generations, frequent get-togethers with friends, and inclusion in community events make people feel needed, wanted, and cared for

• Daily Exercise and Relaxation

-Seniors can reap many benefits from staying active and by learning relaxation techniques. Regular exercise can be as easy as a daily 10-minute walk. Although increasing the time spent exercising daily will also increase the benefits. Just like any other individual, seniors should always check with their doctors before staring a new exercise routine

• Daily Exercise and Relaxation

-Some of the benefits of regular exercise for seniors include:Greater flexibility and endurance.Greater lean body mass.A better sense of balance, fewer falls, and broken bones


1. Differentiate Gerontology from Geriatrics (5pts)

2. Give the different signs and symptoms of aging (5pts)

3. What are the things to be consider in attaining longer, healthier lives? (5pts)

Prepared by: Ariadne Cara Santos

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