How to Treat A Low Grade Fever Holistically



When your kid spikes a temperature does your mother instinct kick in? Do you grab the aspirin or acetaminophen? Have you ever wondered if there is a gentler, holistic way to treat low grade fever? Be mindful, fever results when the body’s ‘thermostat’ (hypothalamus) cranks up the heat to kill invaders, such as bacteria, parasites and viruses. Low grade fevers range from 100-101 degrees F. and is generally not of a serious nature. It’s the child’s body at work. You really don’t need to treat a low grade fever. Any therapeutic regime you decide on should be undertaken simply to help your child feel better.

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Low grade fevers range from 100-101 degrees F. and are generally not of a

serious nature. It’s the child’s body at work. You really don’t need to treat a

low grade fever. Any therapeutic regime you decide on should be undertaken simply to help your child feel better.


Old Wives knew the phenomenal benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. It aids the child’s body in its attempts to fight

off the root cause of fever. They believed apple cider vinegar would

‘draw out’ fever.


Try Aromatherapy: Peppermint is highly recommended by herbalists. Yarrow and elderflower are also herbals that help the child’s body deal with fever

without suppressing it.

Teas to encourage sweating are lavender, basil and cypress.


Cool Gel N Cap is a marvelous vehicle to help kids cope with discomforts of low-grade fever. It can be used in two ways: 1) place cold gel packs inside the cap to

cool down the fever 2) warm up gel packs in the microwave and position them in the cap to help combat chills

associated with fever.

