HOW TO: Brush With Braces


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Brush With BracesBrush With Braces

Keeping your teeth clean and healthy is important so that when your braces come off your teeth are in great condition to show off your new smile.

Spending the extra time cleaning your teeth is necessary because plaque is more likely to build up around the brackets since there

are simply more nooks and crannies for food to get stuck around.

If you have taken the exciting and rewarding step to get braces, you are now on your way

to a perfect and healthy smile.

While we should always take good care of our teeth, braces or not, having braces means that

brushing & flossing gets a little trickier and takes a little more time.

In order to make things a little easier for you, we’ve come up with a guide so you can keep your pearly whites healthy and clean.

If you aren’t in a situation where you can brush your teeth, at least rinse your mouth out after every meal by swishing water back and forth from one cheek to

the other and through your teeth as well.

The front surface of your tooth is the tricky part because it has the braces stuck to them. Here is

a guide to help you clean the braces:

1) First brush the braces

2) Then, brush the part of the tooth nearest to the gumline, angling the brush towards the gums.

3) Lastly, brush the lower third of the tooth, angling the toothbrush up toward the bracket.




Flossing will take longer than you are used to but it is crutial that you reserve time in your day to do it. Next

comes flossing. At the beginning, this can be tricky but you can use a common accessory called a floss threader that easily loops the floss behind the wires making you

able to floss your teeth normally.

Electric Toothbrush - they are more effective at plaque removal and highly recommended when wearing braces

Proxa Brush - this is a small, pipe-cleaner looking type brush. You can use it to loosen plaque that is trapped around the bracket by easily sliding it under the wire. It is also the perfect size to carry with you just in case you get food stuck when you are out and about!

Instead, it neutralizes the pH level in your mouth, making it a less favorable environment for the plaque to build up. With several unique properties in the Carifree mouth rinse, the neutralization and remineralization will really help you with your hygiene maintenance.

That’s it! With the proper care and upkeep of your oral health, your teeth and gums will be in excellent shape. Orthodontics + proper oral hygiene will ensure

that you keep your teeth healthy for life. Your smile will be unstoppable!

After you have brushed and flossed, we recommend rinsing with the Carifree mouthwash which is not your

standard mouthwash. Unlike Scope and Listerine, the Carifree mouth rinse is not for freshening your breath.


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Unit 101-2626 Croydon Drive, South Surrey, B.C., V3Z 0S8

Because food has a tendency to get caught in and around your brackets, you should try and brush your teeth after every meal. Consider carrying a travel toothbrush with you if you are out and about during the day.


With braces, you will need to spend extra time to carefully brush around each bracket to remove any food that has gotten trapped or plaque that has built up. Brushing the inside surface of your teeth and the biting surface of your teeth is the same as brushing without braces. And, don't forget to brush your tongue!
