Homeless Survey Results




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Homeless Survey Results

Question 1From this question I can see that the majority of the people who took my survey are aged 16-24 which is helpful because this is the age group that SASH help and target. This means that I know the answers these people give will be more productive and helpful than the other ones.

Question 2

Question 3This question shows me that most people would choose to go to their friend’s house if they ever became homeless. This shows me that they would feel better staying at their friends house rather than a family members house, possibly suggesting they would think the reason they would be homeless would be because of their family.

Question 4

This question shows me that not enough people know about charities or organisations like SASH that would be able to help them if they were homeless. This proves that we need to make SASH more well known which is the purpose of what we are doing, creating advertising products for SASH.

Question 5

This question shows me that people believe that SASH do help and make a difference to the lives of young homeless people, but also a majority of them don’t even know what SASH is, which shows me that we need to get the word of SASH around so that more people are aware of them.

Question 6

Most of the people who completed my survey said they would/already do support a homeless charity. But 31% of the people who answered don’t know of any homeless charities, also showing that we need to raise awareness for these type of charities.

Question 7

A large number of people said ‘Maybe’ for this question. This might be because they haven’t been given enough information about how they could go about helping someone who was homeless. SASH can help with this and maybe people will open up more to volunteering to give up a spare room in their home to a homeless young person.

Question 8Over 50% of the people who answered my survey think that 16 – 24 year olds are affected the most by homelessness. This may be because they have known people in that situation, or they have experienced reasons themselves that could cause a young person to become homeless.
