His Experience With Diabetes Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar


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Actually all the measur es taken apart from the drugs constitute adjuvant therapy or

.supportive therapy

( His experience which can not be a prescription but a kind of clue to the

) ; approach and attitude is that the supportive treatment proves more useful

.and effective

( . . His blood pp post prandial i e two hour ) after food glucose was not coming down 300 2000 below mg in spite of mg of

2 80metformin and glimeperide mg and .mg of gliaclazide

The first thing he did was to defy the fear . of any situation imaginable Usually

medical doctors get afraid due to the thoughts of horrendous complications of , diabetes which they read in their

. curriculum Hence he was also getting worried and extremely anxious by thought

. of misery and helplessness

; , He could however overcome fear due to . . the practice of remembering God i e true , . . . self i e remembering His name

,This is called NAMASMARAN in Sanskrit , Hindi Marathi and many languages in . India The practice of NAMASMARAN

appears wired and

. irrational to many Even he used to think . that way But he realized later that it could

,rescue him from the distressing suffocating and vacillating negative and

positive ideas and thoughts and help him . merge with himself This was a great

experience of freedom from the prison

which apparently he himself created in the !state of ignorance

No other measures such as getting more , , money more fame more tangible success

, , in the form of accolades socializing chit , , , ,chatting chatting on net partying movies

, picnics music and even the tenacious practice of pranayama and yoga could do

, !it in his case

In the course of the practice of NAMASMARAN he became more and

more oriented to the most cherished

aspects of his life and began to get involved in them on priority basis and in spite of

!distractions and disturbances

, As a result of this buoyancy he began to feel that every moment and every good or bad situation in life is a great opportunity

to grow within and merge with his true self ( which is said to be not different from

).universal self

,So he began to sleep well and get up early , began to take bath twice every day began

drinking water every morning and began

,rubbing gums and palate regularly .happily and enthusiastically

He began taking salad and sprouted methi ( ) fenugreek seeds without a stressful sick

feeling of compulsion and a sick feeling of !being a miserable and helpless patient

He began to explore other possibilities and ( ) began consuming Homeopathic acid phos

30, 30 lactic acid and sygygium mother ( ) tincture and Ayurvedic standard


,He began consumption of juice of ginger , , , ,Amala bitter gourd turmeric pudina

, . .neem tulsi etc with joy

He began to climb the stairs regularly and . . avoid the lift i e elevators with a

.sense of victory

, ,He also began foot massage acupressure eye exercises and yogasana and pranayama with great thrill and assurance to grow

within and achieve and enjoy the .profoundest romance in life

Presently his blood sugar pp has come 90 101 ( down to mg to mg the tests were

repeated four times to confirm the ) accuracy of results with almost half the

dose of metformin and without . glimeperide

There can be many more tools in the , repertoire of therapy of diabetes but he

. shared his experience in brief

.I know nothing is certain and permanent " " Nothing is absolute truth including what

. he has shared Nothing can be guaranteed

. to benefit yet another person But the feeling underlying his sharing is eternal

!and universal

. Dr Shriniwas Kashalikar