Healthy Mouth, A New Years Resolution



It’s January, which means it’s time for a fresh start towards fresh breath and a healthy smile. There are many, simple habits for a healthy mouth that will help you establish a better routine. The first thing on your New Year’s ‘to-do’ list should be, throw away your toothbrush! You should replace your toothbrush every three to four months. If it is not replaced the bristles can fray and your brushing is less effective. Even if you are brushing enough throughout the day, an old toothbrush will not clean your teeth. It is also important to replace your toothbrush after an illness like strep throat or the flu. Make sure that you are brushing for two minutes, twice a day. You may brush twice daily, but are brushing for a full two minutes each time? Brushing for two minutes helps you to adequately clean each section of your mouth. Don’t forget those back molars! Brushing twice a day for two minutes helps fight cavities, makes for a healthier mouth, decreases your chance of painful dental problems, and promotes fresh breath! It is imperative to floss daily! Your teeth have five sides and brushing only cleans three of them. Flossing will greatly decrease your chance of getting cavities, prevents periodontal disease, and keeps your breath fresh. Chewing sugarless gum for twenty minutes after meals can help clean your teeth. It also helps prevent tooth decay. Also, a mint flavor will help freshen your breath throughout the day. Fluoride makes teeth more resistant to acid attacks that cause cavities. Therefore, drinking fluoridated water can help prevent cavities. Finally, it is important to visit your dentist regularly. Cleanings and check-ups will give you a healthier mouth for 2014. Doing all of these things consistently year to year are proven that you will have a healthier mouth, as well as will suffer from less oral-health related issues later in life. Flossing and brushing twice a day have marked decreases in gingivitis, plaque buildup, as well as decrease your prevalence to having cavities. Furthermore, fluoride treatments do well in improving tooth strength, and help rebuild enamel. Although, I wrote an earlier post about a study that stated that cacao-enriched chocolates actually help improve enamel regeneration and tooth density even more effectively than fluoride. See my earlier post if you’d like more information in that regard.

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