Health Benefits of Gratitude


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How wonderful it is to have one day a year dedicated to gratitude and thankfulness! Many of us are well aware of the spiritual benefits of cultivating gratitude in our lives, but it turns out that these benefits can even extend to physical health!

Gratitude Reduces Stress

• It is no secret that stress has a negative impact on health, but research is finding that an “attitude of gratitude” can be a successful antidote to external stressors.

• Cultivating an attitude of thankfulness has also been linked to better immune function, better ability to relax, and even decreased rates of disease.

The Paradox of Gratitude

• It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking “if only I had ___ I’d be happy,” or “If only I didn’t have to deal with ___ I’d be happy,” but this is a vicious cycle…

• Gratitude and happiness are the first step, not the end result.

• Making the choice to be happy and have gratitude is not only healthy, but it can improve our performance and ability as well.

Why is Negativity so easy?

• It sounds so simple to just be grateful, but it turns out that there are biological reasons this process doesn’t come so easily.

• Sure, if you are reading this on a computer, your living conditions are better than those in a large majority of the world. You probably got to eat today, and you probably have adequate clothing. We probably have a social support system, etc.

• Yet, it is easy to dwell on the financial problems or the one thing we wish we could fix about our bodies.

• This makes sense from a biological standpoint, but makes gratitude difficult.

• We are wired to pay attention to pay attention to things that could be potentially negative or harmful as a survival instinct.

• But in a world of constant input from the internet and social media, this instinct can backfire.

Making Gratitude a Habit

Thankfully, cultivating a grateful attitude is

possible, and it can be one of the easiest things you

do for your health!

A Daily List • Daily, I make a list of a few things that I am especially grateful for that particular day.

• Whether little things like my garden or the dishwasher to big things like my children and wonderful husband, I’ve found that this does help to keep the focus on the many blessings in my life.

Gratitude Letters • Once in a while, I try to write a letters to friends and family members thanking them for their

influence in my life and detailing the reasons I am grateful for them.

Acts of Kindness • Doing a small, un-noticed,

good deed each day can help boost the natural tendency to be grateful and look for the good in any situation.

What are you thankful for today?

Here is my list: 1. My family 2.My friends 3.A good night’s sleep 4.Access to healthy food 5.You!

For more about Gratitude and other ways to reduce stress, Click here.

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