Good nutrition - coffs harbour city council june 2010



Good Nutrition Seminar provided for Coffs Harbour City Council on 2nd June 2010.

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Good Nutrition

Duncan Marchant – Coffs Coast Health Club

The Dieting Cycle

The Gylcemic Index (GI)GI is a physiologically based measurement of carbohydrate quality – a comparison of

carbohydrates (gram for gram) based on their immediate effect on blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates that breakdown quickly during digestion are said to have

high GI values, their blood glucose response is fast and high. Carbohydrates which breakdown slowly, releasing glucose gradually into our blood stream are said to

have a low GI and are recommended.

The benefits of consuming low GI food and drink are:• They keep you fuller for longer• They control your appetite• They regulate your insulin levels• They are generally lower in kilojoules• They provide a better mix of micro and macro nutrients required for a healthy life• They help burn more body fat and less lean muscle

Examples of Low & High GILow GI 55 or lessMedium GI 56 – 69High GI 70 or more

Here are some examples of how to change from high to low GI:

Natural DrinksDrinking is an important part of the diet, however, it is important to keep in

mind that many drinks contain extra kilojoules.

Tips for drinks• Make water your drink of choice• Drink more water during hot weather and when exercising• Whole fruit is a better choice than juice as it is higher in fibre and more

filling. It takes six oranges to make just one glass of juice.• Remember, all alcoholic drinks add kilojoules to the diet. Try low or

reduced alcohol drinks for a healthier choice• Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.• Drink water between alcoholic drinks to prevent dehydration• Healthier options include still water, sparkling water, low fat milk, tea,

coffee, mineral water, soda water and freshly squeezed fruit juice• Mix ¾ mineral water and ¼ juice for an alternative to soft drink

Reading Food LabelsYou will notice that food labels will have a nutrition information panel andan ingredients list. Follow these easy steps to understand your food labels:• Serving size. Indicates the standard size for one size.• Per serving. Be careful when using the per serving column as sometimes it may

include more than one serve• Per 100g (100ml). Use the per 100g (per 100ml) column to compare similar food as

this column is consistently on all packaging.• Fat, total. Look closely at the saturated and trans fats subsections and choose the

item with the lowest of these two types of fats.• Low cholesterol. Low cholesterol doesn’t always mean low saturated or trans fats,

so check both rows.• Carbohydrate. When choosing carbohydrate it is best to concentrate on the sugars

and aim for less than 10g per 100g.• Dietary Fibre. Always try to increase your fibre intake. Look for products with over

3g per 100g and choose the item with the highest fibre content.• Sodium. Sodium is another word for salt and you should try to reduce the amount

of salt you consume. Aim for less than 400mg per 100g; if possible, try to go for products lower than 120mg per 100g.

Ingredient ListsIngredients are listed in decreasing order by weight. In other words, the

first ingredient is the major ingredient and the last ingredient would be much smaller. So if sugars, salt or fat are one of the first three ingredients on the list, the product may not be a healthy choice.

But be careful because there are some different names for sugar, salt and fat that you need to look out for

• Sugar can also be known as: sucrose, fructose, dextrose, maltose, glucose, lactose, molasses, syrup, malt extract, raw sugar, brown sugar and modified carbohydrate.

• Salt can also be known as: sodium, rock salt, onion salt, celery salt, garlic salt, vegetable salt, MSG, yeast extracts, booster, stock, baking soda or sodium bicarbonate.

• Fat can also be known as: oil, shortening, tallow, lard, dripping, cream, copha, milk solids, monoglycerides, diglycerides, butter and margarine.

Control Your Behaviours• Eating is a behaviour that is largely controlled by the people with whom we

live, work or socialise, places in which we carry out our daily lives and how we deal with emotions. Being aware of this and making changes to positively affect these behaviours is vitally important in the quest to lose weight.

• Eating quickly, taking large mouthfuls, eating when stressed, eating when bored, eating while watching TV or on the computer and serving food in large bowls or on large plates are all bad habits that will make it difficult to lose weight

• Don’t eat while engaged in other activities. E.g. watching TV, reading, using the computer. Eat only at a table and not at the fridge or while standing

• Don’t eat quickly. Chewing slowly allows time to register your feeling of fullness. Don’t use fingers, only use utensils. Cut food into smaller pieces. Don’t load your fork until the previous mouthful is finished.

• Talk when eating. Food is not just a fuel source; it is also part our social lives. Catching up with your family at dinner time or your colleagues at lunchtime will also slow down any urge to eat too much, too fast.

Behaviours cont…• Don’t purchase high fat, high GI, high kilojoule & sugary foods. If the food

isn’t in your house, you won’t eat it. Set a shopping list each week, avoid impulse buying, don’t shop with your children and plan your meals in advance

• Don’t binge eat. Everything in moderation is the key to long term weight loss.

• Don’t view a dinner party as a chance to pig out. Drink plenty of water and even consume a healthy snack before you leave home to help fill you up.

• Resist the urge to snack on unhealthy options. Leave the vending machine alone and prepack proven snack bars or meal replacement shakes that help you feel fuller for longer

• Plan your daily eating. Consume a nutritious breakfast. Pack a lunchbox full of low GI, protein rich foods. Take a drink bottle full of water

• Once you have served your meal, put the remaining food away to minimise overeating

Doing The Shopping

Eating Away From Home• The reality of our busy lives these days is that at some point in time, you

will be eating out. This may be due to work requirements, special events or simply picking up some take away on the way home to avoid cooking. Eating out can test your resolve as far as healthy eating goes. If you only eat out once a month it’s not so much of an issue but if you eat out regularly, good choices are critical.

Here are some survival tips:• Don’t do it when you’re ravenously hungry – If you know you’re eating

out, consume a small, healthy, low kilojoule, protein rich snack before you leave. Then go easy when you’re out.

• Do some extra exercise – Preferably beforehand and if possible, walk to dinner. If not, park away from the front door and walk.

• Drink water – Before you leave home and even before you order, drink some water to help fill your stomach. It also contains no kilojoules as opposed to alcohol.

• Bypass the bread – Unless it’s extraordinary or low GI

Eating Out cont…• Order like you cook at home – Select the meal with low GI crabs,

plenty of vegetables or salad and adequate protein. Alternatively, select the ingredients listed in other dishes and ask them to create the meal for you

• Halve the size – Order an entrée for your main or specify just an entrée size of your selected main

• Hold the fries – Replace the chips with salad or vegies. Alternatively just ask for no fries. This simple request may help you save over 1000kJ

• Pace yourself – Order one course at a time. This will give you time to decide whether you really need to have the next one

• Sauce on the side – Ask for sauces separately. Normally high in kilojoules and fat, this allows you to add it as required

• Take your time – Relax, eat slowly and enjoy the fact that you don’t have to do the cooking or cleaning up

The Importance Of Kilojoules

More Kilojoules

Even More Kilojoules

Everyday Eating


Think About This

“You get what you focus on. Be positive!”

“Your decisions shape your destiny!”

“Excellence is about consistent correction, not perfection!”

Shameful Plug!
