For those with severe back pain v3


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Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments

For Those With Severe Back Pain…

If you or someone important in your life is battling severe back pain,

Ardyss International just may have something that could change your life.

Lynne Wardell tel 510.846.0033 email:

Ardyss InternationalReshaping GarmentsAbout Ardyss International

Ardysss International is a health and wellness company that has been in existence for over 20 years.

Their reshaping garments have assisted many individuals who have severe back pain in restoring their life to a life of freedom.

They currently have four product lines:

Reshaping garments – These garments reshape your body instantly, align your spine and promote better functioning of internal organs. You look and feel great wearing them.

Nutritional products – These products remove toxins, pH balance the body, provide critical nutrients and ensure your body can absorb the nutrients in order for your body to heal itself.

GreenClean line –Help remove toxins from your environment by providing green home and personal products such as shampoos, soaps and home cleansers.

Skin care products- Provide natural products that help prevent aging and make your body look great.

Important facts about Ardyss Internationalreshaping garments:

• Align the spine• Are hypoallergenic• Assist in the weight loss process• Change the shape of your body permanently• Have medical billing codes for insurance reimbursement•Push your organs into their correct anatomical positions and compress them so that they begin working properly again.

These garments are medical grade garments, designed by orthopedic surgeons &

medical engineers that:

Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments

Garment Facts

Lynne Wardell 510.846.0033

From A Doctor’s Perspective…

Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments

Spinal Alignment

Lynne Wardell tel 510.846.0033 email:

After taking before and after x-rays of a woman wearing the Body Magic, I have seen first hand the change that it can make to the body. As a doctor of chiropractic, I am very concerned with spinal alignment and the stress that is placed on the spine on a daily basis.

The Body Magic provided structural support to the lower back, placing it in a more anatomically neutral position. I would recommend this product to those who are getting spinal correction and need extra support throughout their day to help alleviate the stress on their lower back.

- Dr. Angela Tharnish, D.C.

Now I would like to share with you the feedback from just a couple of customers on what these

garments have done for theirsevere back pain…

Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments


Lynne Wardell tel 510.846.0033 email:

Listen… As Suzie Simmons with

severe degenerative scoliosis shares with us what one of these reshaping garments

has done for her…

Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments


Lynne Wardell tel 510.846.0033 email:

Suzie SimmonsSan Francisco, Ca

FEEL GOOD QUICKLY!Suzie Simmons Body Magic Testimonial

San Francisco, Ca Hi, my name is Suzie Simmons and I want to tell you about my experience with Body Magic, an incredible undergarment that has altered the quality of my life. I have severe degenerative scoliosis and have been battling lower back pain for 30 years. I have tried every kind of pain medication, including cortisone injections and none of it has successfully eliminated my back pain.

I just can’t say enough about this garment. For me, it seems to have the same effect as being in traction. It keeps the vertebrae from grinding against each other which is what caused my inflammation and burning pain. And if that wasn’t enough, an outcome that was completely unexpected was that my posture improved so much that it has completely changed my appearance and gives me a sense of confidence that I didn’t even know I was lacking. I look so much better in all my clothing and I feel like a million bucks! Thank you, Body Magic!

Five weeks ago I started wearing the Body Magic undergarment. Four of those weeks were spent traveling in Europe to Munich, London and Paris. The last time I was in Paris was 12 years ago with my mom. I remember going to the Louvre and every 5 or 10 minutes had to find a place to lie down because of excruciating back pain and I was miserable. This time when I went to the Louvre, it was with my 3 much younger girlfriends and we spent 5 hours going from gallery to gallery. I didn’t have to lie down once. In fact, we spent 3 days sightseeing from morning to night and I was completely pain free, without any medication. And if anyone had told me that that was possible, I would never have believed them.

Lynne Wardell tel 510.846.0033 email:

Read… What one of these reshaping garments has done for

Mark with chronic lower back pain for over 23 years …

Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments


Lynne Wardell tel 510.846.0033 email:

Mark KHayward, Ca


Men’s Abdo T-shirt Testimonial July 2011

Hi, my name is Mark. I have been battling lower back pain for 23 years. While lifting a computer I caused a disc in my lower back to bulge which pressed against my sciatica nerve. For 23 years I have had back pain on and off with severe bouts lasting sometimes years. It makes it difficult to do a lot of things most people take for granted. Over the years I noticed that the problem had also caused me to favor one side of my body when I walked and to walk in a way that I am anticipating a back spasm.

I don't wear it every day now but do wear it when I know that I am going to do something that's out of the ordinary of my day to day routine, like spend a lot of time in the car on a long trip. I also wear it when I am feeling fatigued to help me be more aware of my posture and how I walk so that the fatigue does not lead to back pain. The real extra bonus for me and what I found out by accident is that when I do anything that I know will cause my back to hurt after I'm finished with what I am doing - like stooping, squatting and lifting when I'm gardening for instance - if I wear my shirt AFTER those activities that my back doesn't act up on me and I am not in pain the next day. I asked Lynne about this and she found out that the compression of the shirt helps to eliminate the inflammation that causes the pain.

Lynne gave me an Ardyss mens abdo t-shirt in May of 2010 to see if it might help. At that particular time I was having back spasms that would shock me so severely I would fall to the floor. If I hadn’t been in such pain and Lynne and I weren’t such great friends I honestly think I might not have tried it. I started wearing the t-shirt daily and noticed that it helped me feel more comfortable and to walk less hesitantly. After a few weeks I noticed that I wasn't constantly focusing on what I could or couldn't do because of back pain and then realized it was because I wasn't having any.

Lynne Wardell tel 510.846.0033 email:

I just ordered my third t-shirt, a smaller size which I hope will maximize the effect of the shirt, so needless to say I'm finding that the shirt works for me!

Not only do Ardyss reshaping garments eliminate or reduce severe back pain,

they change the way you look instantlyand assist in the weight loss process

Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments

Body Transformation

Lynne Wardell tel 510.846.0033 email:

Fat is 90% water.

Body Magic compresses your fat cells and helps your lymphatic system eliminate the fat through three channels: sweat, urine and bowels. And that’s how you lose the excess fat.

And since fat is predominantly water, like water, it takes on the shape of whatever “container” it’s in…i.e., the Body Magic, Abdo T-shirt.

So what happens is, as a person wears the garment on a regular basis, their body starts to take on the form that it is in when they have on the garment (which is why it’s called a reshaping garment).

Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments

Body Transformation – How it Works

Lynne Wardell tel 510.846.0033 email:

Dr.Leonel Kelly – Orthopedic Surgeon & Creator of the Body Magic

Look… As men and women of all shapes, sizes and ages put on a reshaping garment that changes their looks


Some lose up to 3 dress sizes immediately!

Many lose their stomach instantly!

Others feel back relief quickly!

Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments

Lynne Wardell 510.846.0033

Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments

For Men…

Lynne Wardell tel 510.846.0033 email:

Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments

For Women…

Lynne Wardell tel 510.846.0033 email:

Thank You!

Ardyss InternationalReshaping Garments

For Those With Severe Back Pain…

If you have any questions, want more information or have interest in ordering Ardyss reshaping

garments to assist with severe back pain,

Please contact me!

Lynne Wardell 510.846.0033
