Exocrine Secretions of Pancreas



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Exocrine Secretions of PancreasIbra Cham

Types of Secretions Digestive enzymes (Where are they produced?)

H2O & HCO3 (Where are they secreted from?)

Digestive enzymes For Proteins e.g?

For Fats e.g?

For Carbohydrates e.g?

Activation of Proteolytic Enzymes Where are they activated?

Trypsinogen get activated by?

Chymotrypsinogen & Procaroboxypolypeptiddase?

Why Pancreas Is Not Being Digested By Those Enzymes? Where is it produced?

Where it does act?

H2O & HCO3

What are the roles of each: HCO3 & H2O?

When pancreas is stimulated what is HCO3 concentration in the secretion?

How are HCO3 & H2O Secreted?

1st step: CO2

What enzyme is involved here? What next?

2nd step: H+ What happens here?

3rd step: What is Isosmotic bicarbonate solution?

Regulated By Two Types of Stimuli For the 1st type of secretion? What happens then?

For the 2nd type of secretion? What happens then?

Varied stimuli Greater secretion

Three Phases of Secretion Cephalic account for? The same mechanism of stomach (which one?)

Gastric account for? Continuity of the same mechanism

Intestinal the rest But why the least for the first two?

What Goes On In The Intestine? When does secretin get activated and where? What it does? Why it is important?

What else is happening there? When CCK does get activated? What is does?

Is The Composition Variable Depending On The Type of Stimulus?
