Club foot deformity


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Talipes Club foot

) المائلة ) الحنفاء القدم

Dr / Hytham Nafady

• Talipes = congenital deformity in which the foot is twisted from its normal position.

• Tali = ankle

• Pes = foot

• Talipes cavus = high arched foot.

• Talipes equinus = plantar flextion.

• Talipes calcaneus = dosiflexion.

• Talipes valgus = abduction and eversion.

• Talipes varus = adduction and inversion.

Talipes equinovarus

3 components

Plantar flextion

At the ankle joint Equinus deformity

of the hindfoot.

Inversion At the subtalar joint

Varus deformity

of the hindfoot.

Adduction At the tarso-metatarsal joints

Adduction deformity

of the forefoot.

Radiological findings

Proper positioning

AP radiograph: Lateral radiograph:

Normal foot AP Club foot AP

Talo-calcaneal angle: 20-40 0 or even reversed

Mid-talar line: Point to the 1st metatarsal head.

Lateral to the 1st metatarsal head.

Mid-calcaneal line: Point to the 4th metatarsal head.

Lateral to the 4th metatarsal head.

Metatarsal shafts Parallel Posterior convergence.

Normal foot lateral Club foot lateral

Mid-talar line & line through the 1st metatarsal shaft

Coincide form an obtuse angle.

Mid-talar line & mid-calcaneal line

Form an acute angle More or less parallel

Angle between a line through the inferior cortex of calcaneus and line through inferior cortex of 5th metatarsal bone.

Obtuse. Acute.

Normal foot AP

Normal foot lateral

Club foot AP

Mid-calcaneal line points lateral to the 5th metatarsal base

Club foot lateral
