Chest chukra



Every compartment are in this place, the is root of many diseases.

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By Nirmal/ Manjeet

It took me many year to myself

8 chukra is in the chest to know it very well

how this works.

a master knows how this works .

and a student fallow him.

God is my master know had taught me about this.

look very down to you chest and see from the inner body vision

Breath in and out by healing all the


shoot the breath to directly to the chest and from third eye center of the eye brows

when you breath just see the cheat and middle of the diaphragm and see from the third eyes .

then you will see it, and all the organs are encapsulated in that.

heal it by the power from the breath and chanting is a main power house of it

when you breath, just see it the chest by inner vision.

breath from the root chakura and you will feel the chest goes up and a lots of

pressure will goes to chest and it will go until all the way up to you brain. The prssure we will feel in the cheast and untill head, a little force will come .

very odd sensation will come, just pay attention to the breath.

that but over all when you do this pranama it will open the chest and air ways and all the organs of my chest and until our stomach.

it is my creation, it my works for so some one must take that great souce's advantage. A source of the mind valley

Nirmal/ Manjeet kanda

save one life, you can save many in

your life.

This is my creation and the meditation world from my God who had breathed me for saving lives, lets contribute in humansim .

leave the number behind for me if some one wants to heal and learn it, please and many thanks to a human who will teach this chukura to some one else.

A man came alone and will go back to the master and will not take any thing beside empty hands
