Bring out the inner beauty in you with these Super foods



Super foods for beauty

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Beauty Foods10 Super foods

Eat these tobring out the inner beauty

in you.

Avocado has rich skin-smoothing vitamins A,C,E & K. It has glutamine, an amino acid that helps in preventing skin from environmental damage. Another substance called glutathione helps to reversing aging and the good fat in it helps in skin-smoothing. Add them in the form of salads and smoothies or soups.

Avocado-Skin Smoothing

Vitamin A is anti-aging vitamin. Spinach has loads of carotene which converts in to this .Also vitamin A helps in retaining moisture on the skin and in removing dead cells .It contains Vitamin K which along with other ant-oxidants present in the cells can fight the free radicals. This way they can keep the skin glowing and youthful. Add to your meals in the form of Salads or smoothies.


Cucumbers are serious gourds in terms of its low-calorie and moisture benefits. They are also high in all the B vitamins (except for B12), Vitamin C, Zinc, Iron, Folic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium. They flush the skin cells with energy and water while helping the repair and smooth the collagen in your skin giving it great radiance. 2 cups of fresh cut slices a day should do.

Cucumber –Radiant skin

Turmeric-Blemish Free

Turmeric has been endorsed by Ayurveda for its anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in cleansing the blood. It helps in formation of new blood cells. They keep the blood flow going on thus removing any skin debris on their way. Curcumin, the anti-oxidant has great healing properties which helps further in this action. A pinch in every meal is good enough to give you a blemish-free skin.

Carrot & Radish-Beautiful hair

Surprised! Carrots and radishes for beautiful hair. A salad bowl of radish and carrot salad cleanse away the toxins that hinder hair growth. The hair cells are fast growing cells. The nourishing B-carotene helps in healthy healthy hair growth. It helps in detoxifying liver which is specifically connected to hair growth. Radish contains vitamin C, Silica and Sulfur which helps in strengthening hair. The anti-oxidant can ingest in any free-radicals keep up the growth.

Papaya-Bright Eyes

Papaya is the fruit that can give you the brightest eyes. Do great work for your eyes. It has all the vitamins like A,C,E,K that are rich in anti-oxidants to develop the nerve cells of eyes better. Three servings of fruit may sound like a lot to eat each day, but papaya can help you reach this goal. Add slices of fresh papaya to your morning cereal, lunch time yogurt or green salads. Cut a papaya in half and fill with cottage cheese in a salad. Blend them into smoothies.

Banana-Puffiness /dark circles below eyes

Dark circles/puffiness of eyes usually caused due to dehydration , stress, lack of sleep etc. The major cause is intake of Sodium rich foods such as in Junk foods and aerated beverages. But banana can help you to ward away this as it is rich in Potassium and few other anti-oxidants that helps to combat the side-effects and help in rehydration of skin cells below the eyes also removing the dark circles and puffiness.

Spirulina-Inner Glow

Spirulina powder is easily available in markets today. The best thing about this dry algae is the purest form of Chlorophyll available.This cleanses your liver. A continuous state of careless eating can clog your liver and make it work sluggishly. This will lead to whole lot of negative imbalance in your body reducing the glow on your face. As chlorophyll is similar to hemoglobin chemically, it enhance the blood circulation and helps the liver in flushing out the toxins. So this brings out the real inner beauty in you .1 tsp a day will do may be in a glass of juice. Do not eat it for long-term .

Walnuts-Skin Softening

Though markets are flooded with number of moisturizers to soften skin, Can you imagine Walnuts can do the same from inside. They are rich in Vitamin E, Managnese and copper that can help as anti-oxidant defense. It is rich in Argenine-L an amino acid that help in healing and repair of tissue. It also has a sleep inducing hormone melatonin. Good sleep increases the anti-oxidant activity.

Pine apple-Youthful skin

Pine-apples are great for youthful skin. It has a special proteolytic enzyme called Bromelin which helps in breaking down of proteins. This enhances the formation of new cells. They scavenge toxins, half-digested food from body. Also rich in vitamin C and helps to absorb Manganese which is an anti-inflammatory hence help to remove wrinkles too. This helps to maintain the tone of skin and keep it youthful. Include them in salads, juices and smoothies.
