Aula reposição hormonal masculina - Mitos e Verdades - HCFMUSP


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Highlights Reposição Hormonal


Dr. Conrado AlvarengaMédico da Divisão de Urologia HC-FMUSP

Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. Endocrine Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital,

Testosterone therapy is prescribed for millions of men each year, and the number

is increasing rapidly. Prescription sales of testosterone increased by 500% in the United States between 1993

and 2000.

Liverman CT, Blazer DG. Testoster one and aging: clinical research direc

tions. Washington, DC: National Acade my of Sciences, 2004.

Most testosterone prescriptions are written to treat non specific symptoms, such as

fatigue or sexual dysfunction, when accompanied by testosterone levels below

the laboratory reference range.

More than 80% of circulating estradiol in men is derived from the

aromatization of testosterone. Thus, as serum testosterone levels

decline, there is a concomitant decline in serum estradiol levels.

The potential role of estrogen deficiency in the pathogenesis of other consequences of hypogonadism, such as alterations in body composition or sexual function, is

largely unknown










Participants were seen every 4 weeks. At each visit, fasting blood samples were

obtained to measure gonadal steroid levels, and questionnaires were

administered to assess physical function, health status, vitality, and sexual


At baseline and week 16, body fat and lean mass were assessed by means of dual energy x ray absorptiometry

(DXA); subcutaneous and intraabdominal fat areas and thigh muscle area were measured by means of computed tomography (CT); and lower extremity strength was de termined by means of a leg press.

Data on bone homeostasis (bone turnover markers and bone mineral density), risk factors for cardiovascular

disease (blood pressure, lipids, and insulin sensi tivity), and levels of leptin and prostate specific antigen were

also collected but are not included in the present report.

In cohort 1, the percentage of body fat increased significantly in men who received 0 g, 1.25 g, or

2.5 g of testosterone daily, as compared with men who received 5 g daily, and it decreased significantly in men who received 10 g of

testosterone daily, as compared with each of the other groups

Lean mass decreased significantly in men who received placebo or 1.25 g of testosterone daily, as compared

with men who received 2.5 g, 5 g, or 10 g of testosterone daily

Thigh muscle area decreased significantly in men who received placebo or 1.25 g of testosterone

daily, as compared with men who received 5 g of testosterone daily, and it increased significantly in men who received 10 g of testosterone daily,

as compared with all the other groups

Leg press strength decreased significantly in men who received placebo, as compared

with men receiving 2.5 g, 5 g, or 10 g of testosterone daily

Cohort 2 = com arimidex

In cohort 2, the percentage of body fat increased in all groups when the

aromatization of testosterone to estradiol was inhibited.

A finding that suggests a predominantly estrogenic effect

Cohort 2 = com arimidex

Total body lean mass decreased significantly in men who received placebo, as compared

with those who received 1.25 g, 2.5 g, or 10 g of testosterone daily

A finding that implies an independent effect of testosterone

Effects of Testosterone with and without Aromatase Inhibition on

Sexual Function

In cohort 1, sexual desire decreased progressively with declining testosterone doses, from 10 g to 0 g of

testosterone daily, and all dose groups differed significantly from one another except for the 2.5g

and 5g dose groups

Erectile function worsened significantly in men who received placebo, as compared with men who

received testosterone

In cohort 2, sexual desire declined significantly in men who received placebo, as compared with men in the three highest dose groups, and declined more in men who received 1.25 g of testosterone daily than in men

in the two highest dose groups

Erectile function decreased more in men who received placebo than in men who

received testosterone

Comparação with and without Aromatase Inhibition on Sexual

FunctionIn the groups that received testosterone, inhibition of estrogen

synthesis (cohort 2), as compared with intact estrogen synthesis (cohort 1), was associated with significant increases in the percentage of body fat (P<0.001), subcutaneous fat area

(P<0.001), and intraabdominal fat area (P=0.002) and with significant decreases in sexual desire (P<0.001)

These findings provide additional evidence of an independent effect of estradiol on these measures

We found that lean mass, muscle size, and strength are regulated by androgens; fat accumulation is primarily a consequence of estrogen deficiency;

and sexual function is regulated by both androgens and estrogens.

Delineation of the degrees of hypogonadism at which undesirable consequences develop and of the relative roles of androgens and estrogens in

each outcome should facilitate the development of more rational approaches to the diagnosis and

treatment of hypogonadism in men.

12 Urologistas

Integração da Sociedade Americana

1. Guidelines da Sociedade Int. Andrologia (ISA) 2. Sociedade Européia de Urologia (EAU)


1. Sociedade Americana de Andrologia (ASA)2. EAA ( Academia e. Andrologia)

Consenso publicado Euro J Urology e Euro J. Endrocrinol – Tampa 2008


1. Crescimento exponencial de homens > 60 anos – como PEA

2. Vida sexual ativa prolongada > 60/70 anos

3. Crescimento do país = > poder aquisitivo

4. Maior exigência de performance

Sub Avaliados

Subavaliação e subtratamento

Problemas encarados como normais Geralmente não se conhece os efeitos da queda

gradual da testosterona Outras especialidades – receio de reposicão Mitos (falta de conhecimento) Papel da mulher fundamental


Diminuição libido (*) Queda Massa M.

Aumento Gordura C. Perda Massa Ossea

Disfunção Erétil Alterações Humor

De 32 sintomas possivelmente associados à queda dos níveis de testosterona, nove confirmaram guardar relação direta com ela

Ligados à sexualidade (frequência diminuída de ereções matinais espontâneas, de pensamentos eróticos e disfunção erétil),

Físicos (dificuldade de praticar exercícios como correr ou levantar objetos pesados, incapacidade de andar mais de 1 km e de

ajoelhar e levantar sem ajuda) “psicológicos” (falta de energia, fadiga e tristeza).

Diagnóstico de DAEM

• Testosterona Total ( 7 - 11h da manhã) • > 350/380 – sem indicação de reposição, qual a

crítica a este critério? • < 230 – reposição em todos • 230 – 380 = avaliar caso a caso e pede SHBG =

Testosterona livre calculada• Cuidado com obesos – importância de T livre

biodisponivel (SHBG reduzido)• T livre < 65 = reposição


Patologias Agudas Podem suprimir

temporariamente os niveis de Testosterona Total

Patologias crônicas DM, DPOC, OBESIDADE,

SIND METABOLICA + Fatores de Risco para DAEM

Exames pré reposição

Hemograma completo e coagulograma

PSA total e livre (TR)

Densitometria óssea ( > 65 anos )

Testosterona total, T livre, glicemia, TSH, T4 livre, creatinina, SHBG, prolactina, FSH e

albumina. Colesterol T e F

Diagnóstico de DAEM • T livre salivar = substituto independe dos niveis de albumina e

SHBG( laboratório Jablonka- Itaim)

Testosterona livre tem atividade biológica mas ligada a SHBG não

Homens com hipogonadismo geralmente tem SHBG elevado ( disf hepática e

hipertireoidismo tb)


Massa Muscular e osséa comprovados por densitometria (nivel 1a)

e medidas antropométricas

Efeitos sobre melhora DM e resistência a insulina ainda incertos

Libido comprovado (nivel 1b)

Disposição fisica e melhora do humor

Os implantes extruídos eram limpos, secados e pesados para determinar a massa de testosterona liberada em comparação com

a função linear do tempo acima de 120 dias.


Para cada tubo contendo 200 mg de testosterona, a taxa estimada de absorção

foi de 1,3 mg/dia, baseada no peso remanescente de 59 implantes extruídos

que exibiram taxa linear de absorção durante mais de cem dias após


(Handelsman et al., 1990)

• Effects on sexual interest = 3 weeks plateauing at 6 weeks. • Changes in erections/ejaculations = require up to 6 months. • Effects on depressive mood = detectable after 3–6 weeks with a

maximum 18–30 weeks. • Effects on erythropoiesis = evident at 3 months, peaking at 9–12 months.

• Effects on lipids = after 4 weeks, maximal after 6–12 months. • Insulin sensitivity may improve within few days, but effects on glycemic

control become evident only after 3–12 months. • Changes in fat mass, lean body mass, and muscle strength = within 12–

16 weeks, stabilize at 6–12 months, but can marginally continue over years.

• Effects on bone are detectable already after 6 months while continuing at least for 3y


Papel testosterona na ereção

Essencial para a manutenção do metabolismo dos corpos cavernosos do pênis e da sua integridade estrutural e

funcional, que regulam o mecanismo de veno-oclusão da função erétil.

Diminuição das trabéculas das células lisas dos corpos cavernosos, um queda da síntese do NO no endotélio vascular e produz alterações estruturais dos nervos dorsal

e cavernosos do pênis Acúmulo de células gordurosas e tecido conjuntivo nos corpos cavernosos, diminuindo o

numero células responsáveis pelo relaxamento do pênis

A reposição hormonal pode desempenhar papel fundamental na recuperação da fisiologia da ereção

Homens com baixos índices de testosterona e que não respondiam bem aos inibidores da PDE-5 passaram a responder melhor após a reposição


Antes de iniciar tratamento para DE = guideline mandatório dosagem de T total


PSA e TR semestrais Densitometria anual

Hematócrito semestral(eritrocitose – homens acima de 70 com injetáveis)

Elevação de PSA = biópsia PR ( e implante? )

Contra Indicações

• Apnéia do sono não tratada • Insuficiência Cardiaca CF II – médios esforços • Ht > 52% • Hiperplasia prostática benigna ( relativa –

depende dos sintomas HPB ) • História de CA próstata já tratado – !!!!!!! *****• Levar em conta HX familiar de Ca próstata

Subcutaneous T pellet implants have been available in the United States since 1972 and afford several advantages over other T


100% patient complianceAvoidance of the peaks and troughs found with injectable treatments

Lower risk of drug transfer from patient to others Maintenance of a stably elevated serum T level.

While T pellets are used to treat androgen deficiency, limited data exist regarding their pharmacokinetics and side effect profiles (Cavender and Fairall, 2009). Furthermore, the incidence of

erythrocytosis and effects on lipid profiles is relatively unknown for T pellets.

Trabalhos Importantes

J Urol. 2005 Feb;173(2):533-6.Testosterone replacement therapy after primary treatment for prostate cancer

A cohort of hypogonadal patients treated with radical retropubic prostatectomy (RRP) for organ confined prostate cancer to determine if

testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) could be efficacious and administered safely without causing recurrent prostate tumor




Testosterone Replacement for Hypogonadism After Treatment of Early Prostate Cancer With


• Pacientes tratados com braquiterapia entre 1996 e 2004 + hipogonadismo sintomático – 31 homens

• TRT iniciando em média 2 anos após • Duração de tratamento em média de 4,5 anos • 200 mg ciprionato de testosterona 21/12d

In highly select patients after RRP TRT can be

administered carefully and with benefit to hypogonadal

patients with prostate cancer.

A vanguarda na reposição hormonal !

“ Goodbye Androgen hypothesis, Hello Saturation Model”

Principio da uro-oncologia > 70 anos

Hipótese androgênica para o câncer de próstata

Surge com 2 prêmios Nobel- Charles Huggins e Clarence Hodges (1941)

- Cancer Research 1941 – castração = regressão do câncer metastático e

administração de T = elevação da FA

Desenvolvimento da teoria – até 80

•CAp é androgênio dependente •Niveis elevados de T contribuem

para desenvolvimento de CAp •Niveis reduzidos de T diminuem

riscos de CAp• T = alimento para o incêndio

E o que parecia estar errado?

• Biópsias em homens com níveis baixos de T antes da reposição hormonal

• 15% de câncer de próstata em homens com PSA normal e toque retal normal.

(JAMA 2004 e Urology de 2006)• 1 em cada 7 homens com níveis reduzidos

de T tinham CAp oculto –Efeito protetor dos níveis baixos de T ?

E como derrubar o resultado de 1941 da progressão do cancer em homens com

CA EIV e que receberam T?

Análise do trabalho – apenas 18 dias, 2 homens e com FA (não se

usa mais) – pouco tempo, não suficiente para saturar.

Idéia central

Androgênios possuem capacidade finita e limitada de estimular tecido prostático, benigno e


Braço Placebo Estudo REDUCE – Dutasterida

J Urol 2004

• Relação entre T/DHT e biópsias no braço placebo – que não recebeu Avodart • 8.122 homens – 4.073 foram placebo

• Destes 3.255 – BIOPSIAS • Resultados destas BX versus T/DHT

Curva de resultados - saturação

Derrubemos todos os mitos sobre o uso de testosterona, usando como arma o conhecimento científico

baseado em evidências !!!!!!