Anatomy of gall bladder and excretory bile ducts


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«Anatomy of gall bladder and

excretory bile ducts“

Done By: Myrzakhanov Yerik

3course GMF 348 group

Checked By: Milyushina Ya A.

Semey 2014


o Introduction


• anatomy

• topography

Bile duct:

• Anatomy


In vertebrates the gallbladder (cholec

yst, gall bladder or biliary vesicle) is

a small organ where bile is stored,

before it is released into the small

intestine. Humans can live without a


The gallbladder is a hollow organ that

sits just beneath the right lobe of

the liver. In adults, the gallbladder

measures approximately 8 centimeters

in length and 4 centimeters in diameter

when fully distended. The gallbladder

has a capacity of about 100 mL.

The gallbladder is shaped like a

tapered sac, with the open end opening

into the biliary tree and the cystic duct.



1 - neck of the gallbladder;

2 - body of gall bladder;

3 - common hepatic duct;

4 - cystic duct;

5 - mucosa of the gallbladder;

6 - spiral fold;

7 - small folds of the mucous

membrane of the gall bladder;

8 - muscular layer of the


9 - the bottom of the gall bladder;

10 - the common bile duct;

Anatomically, the gallbladder is

divided into three sections:

the fundus, body,

and neck: The fundus is a rounded

end that faces the front of the body.

The body (Latin: corpus) is in

contact with the liver, lying

in depression at the bottom of the

liver. The neck tapers and is

continuous with the cystic duct,

part of the biliary tree. The cystic

duct unites with the common

hepatic duct to become

the common bile duct.

At the neck of the gallbladder is a

mucosal fold called Hartmann's pouch,

where gallstones commonly get stuck.

The angle of the gallbladder is located

between the costal margin and the

lateral margin of the rectus abdominal

muscle. The fundus is at the same

level as the transpyloric plane.

Location gallbladder depends on the age and physique. Usually

it is projected into the anterior abdominal wall at the intersection

of the right parasternal line and the line connecting the ends of

the 10 ribs, and in relation to the spine - at LI-LII.


Gallbladder is in the

gallbladder fossa on the

lower surface of the liver.

It serves as a reference

boundary of the right

lobe of the liver

Bile duct

From the liver leave

right and left

hepatic ducts,

merging into the

gate in the common

hepatic duct. As a

result of its merger

with the cystic duct

forms the common

bile duct.


The common bile duct passes between the sheets of

the lesser omentum anterior to the portal vein and

right hepatic artery. Located posterior to the first

segment of the duodenum in the groove on the rear

surface of the head of the pancreas, it is included in

the second division of the duodenum.

Duct obliquely crosses the posteromedial wall of the gut

and is usually connected to the main pancreatic duct,

forming Phater's ampulla (faterova vial).

Ampoule forms a protrusion of the mucosa, directed into the

lumen, - large duodenal papilla (papilla Phater).

Approximately 12-15% of the patients the common bile duct

and pancreatic duct opens into the duodenum separately.

Dimensions of the common bile duct in

determining different methods not identical. Duct

diameter, measured in operations ranging from

0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter duct endoscopic

cholangiography typically less than 11 mm and a

diameter of 18 mm is considered pathological.

At ultrasound examination (U.S.) in the norm

it is even less of 2-7 mm; at a greater

diameter common bile duct is considered


Part of the common bile duct extending in the

duodenal wall, surrounded by a shaft

longitudinal and circular muscle fibers, called

the sphincter of Oddi.

Conclusion In this case of conclusion I would like to give a few interesting


Numerous words in the English language relate to the gallbladder

and the bile that it stores. To have 'gall' is associated with bold

behavior, whereas to have 'bile' is associated with bitterness.

In the Chinese language, the gallbladder (Chinese:胆) is

associated with courage and a plethora of related idioms,

including using terms such as "a body completely [of] gall"

(Chinese: 浑身是胆) to describe a brave person, and "single

gallbladder hero" (Chinese:孤胆英雄) to describe a lone hero.

In the Zangfu theory of Chinese medicine, the gallbladder not only

has a digestive role, but is seen as the seat of decision-making.


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List of References
